#instantbird log on 07 01 2015

All times are UTC.

00:13:04 <-- myk has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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01:10:03 <-- Mook_as has quit (Client exited)
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04:20:16 <instant-buildbot> build #359 of linux64-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed compile]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/linux64-nightly-default/builds/359
04:30:51 <instant-buildbot> build #1445 of linux-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/linux-nightly-default/builds/1445
04:32:06 <instant-buildbot> build #2742 of macosx-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed shell_5]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/macosx-nightly-default/builds/2742
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07:05:18 <instantbot> New Chat Core - IRC bug 1179117 filed by martin@humanoids.be.
07:05:20 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1179117 nor, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, Support incoming IRCv3.2 tags
07:08:02 <freaktechnik> ^I can't request a review on the attachment, I guess that doesn't work on initial attachments?
07:09:54 <nhnt11> freaktechnik: that's weird, maybe you need editbugs permissions?
07:10:15 <nhnt11> I can request it for you, I'm guessing you want to flag clokep?
07:10:37 <freaktechnik> wait a sec, I'll obsolete it, since I forgot to remove a do_print in the tests
07:10:42 <nhnt11> cool
07:11:15 <freaktechnik> okay, when submitting a new patch I can set the feedback flags
07:11:16 <freaktechnik> interesting
07:11:44 <nhnt11> ah, did you upload the patch while filing the bug?
07:12:29 <nhnt11> Hmm, while filing a new bug I can request review on the patch if i choose to attach one
07:12:29 <freaktechnik> mhm
07:12:48 <freaktechnik> else the patch would've appeared as separate comment
07:15:09 --> AlexanderSalas has joined #instantbird
07:24:30 <nhnt11> akronix_laptop: How's it going?
07:25:09 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen 
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07:40:24 <-- AlexanderSalas has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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10:32:11 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
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10:42:16 <akronix_laptop> hi!
10:42:34 <-- afiksof1 has left #instantbird ()
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11:40:52 <freaktechnik> I'm not getting received-message notifications.
11:40:59 <freaktechnik> didn't want to post that^^
11:41:11 <freaktechnik> but enter is the best backspace
11:41:21 <clokep> :-D
11:41:31 <clokep> Now I'm just confused about whether you're having an issue or not. ;)
11:41:39 <clokep> I plan to review your patch once I get to work btw.
11:41:50 <clokep> Bigger screen, mo' pixels.
11:48:14 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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12:34:22 --> clokep_work has joined #instantbird
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12:38:32 <clokep_work> Meh I'm getting update can't be verified each time...
12:38:34 <-- clokep_work has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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12:53:40 <freaktechnik> is there a way to override the colors of users, so they are also that color in the user list and when highlighted?
12:54:05 <freaktechnik> clokep_work: oh, I've forgotten to add the tags element in the documantion for ircMessage.
12:54:45 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: I'm 90% of the way through a review.
12:54:52 <clokep_work> And yes that was one of my comments. :)
13:01:17 --> BWMerlin has joined #instantbird
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13:10:15 <clokep_work> All done.
13:17:09 <clokep_work> flo-retina: Do we have an SVG of the Instantbird icon?
13:17:18 <clokep_work> (Or is it a PSD?)
13:18:43 <flo-retina> it's SVG
13:19:12 <flo-retina> it was made in Inkscape
13:28:34 <clokep_work> Is it in the repo? :-D
13:29:15 <flo-retina> it's not in any repo
13:29:25 <clokep_work> That's unfortunate.
13:29:30 <flo-retina> I've meant to create a repo with all the artwork at some point, in both SVG and PNG
13:29:40 <flo-retina> mostly, I didn't have it in a single place
13:30:06 <flo-retina> when idechix announced his intent to leave the project, I managed to convince him to zip into a single file everything he had, and email it to me
13:30:30 <flo-retina> so this stuff is somewhere in my mailbox
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13:43:27 <freaktechnik> clokep_work: re "is replacing \. with . expected" it's the option that makes the most sense to me, since it's not allowed to just have a single \ not followed by any of the previously checked characters. The alternative is to just return nothing and remove the invalid escape sequence.
13:44:08 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: I agree, it's not actually in the spec unfortunately. :(
13:45:41 <freaktechnik> well, it's not supposed to ever happen...
13:46:18 <clokep_work> Yes, but including error conditions in specifications is SUPER important.
13:46:35 <clokep_work> "OK, I'm not supposed to get this data, but when I do get it from some broken implementation...how am I *supposed* to handle it?)
13:51:02 <freaktechnik> as in, should it be handled gracefully or throw an error and make the message useless?
13:51:56 <clokep_work> Yes.
13:52:12 <clokep_work> Handled gracefully is ideal. I think the way you're handling it is reasonable, I just wasn't sure if it was in the spec and I missed it.
13:52:20 <clokep_work> (I think we're in agreemenet.)
13:52:48 <freaktechnik> I'm also adding examples of tags from other ircv3 specs and two from my application to the tests
13:56:39 <freaktechnik> or do you want to avoid redundant tests?
13:56:51 <freaktechnik> (well "redundant" is always relative...)
14:19:22 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: I like including the examples from specs, if they're a bit redundent that's OK.
14:19:29 <clokep_work> But don't add things just to make it seem like there's more. :)
14:25:11 <flo-retina> akronix_laptop: so, are you preparing a detailed schedule?
14:25:48 <akronix_laptop> I was thinking in doing some code work today...
14:26:22 <akronix_laptop> but yes, I can prepare a detailed schedule as well today
14:28:00 <flo-retina> ok
14:29:11 <akronix_laptop> any site/tool you prefer for this?
14:32:22 <clokep_work> akronix_laptop: We usually use etherpad, but it doesn't matter. Whatever you can use that works quickly.
14:39:05 * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away 
14:51:03 <clokep_work> akronix_laptop: To be clear, I'd love to look at a schedule within the next couple of hours. :)
15:00:50 <-- Bollebib has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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15:50:08 <akronix_laptop> ok, I don't know if something like this is what you expect: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/aqUiTCkfHf clokep_work flo-retina
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15:57:51 <flo-retina> "from 23hr to 1 am"?
15:59:28 <-- sawrubh has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
15:59:54 <akronix_laptop> xD I think it's when people is more active here
16:00:24 <flo-retina> if you are working 8h per day, you should expect to be around here 8h per day.
16:00:25 <akronix_laptop> I don't which time is in the US...
16:00:32 * flo-retina is in France
16:00:47 <akronix_laptop> yes I do expect that
16:00:55 <clokep_work> I'm in the US, but I'm much less helpful. ;)
16:01:26 <akronix_laptop> but if I'm coding and I'm not checking irc at a time.
16:02:18 <akronix_laptop> I just wanted to pointed out some time zone that I can devote just for asking and discussing
16:02:50 <akronix_laptop> I've found very annoying asking and coding concurrently...
16:03:00 <flo-retina> you need to learn to do it
16:03:08 <flo-retina> it's less productive
16:03:14 <clokep_work> It's important for real life too.
16:03:17 <flo-retina> but the only way to work collaboratively
16:10:00 <akronix_laptop> sure, I try. I think it's not an issue though, you can always write my name down and I get notified.
16:10:27 <flo-retina> we tried a few times in the last few weeks ;).
16:11:45 <akronix_laptop> yes, some times I was busy and I didn't reply..
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16:17:04 <freaktechnik> so, I have to do something about some security stuff to be able to instert external images into messages, right?
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16:19:25 <clokep_work> Umm...I'm not entirely sure. :)
16:19:29 <clokep_work> I know that they'll get blocked, yes.
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16:19:58 <clokep_work> But I don't know if the HTML would get stripped beforehand or not.
16:20:35 <freaktechnik> well, the HTMl of CTCPs doesn't get stripped, so I'm not too worried. Unless it strips img tags...
16:21:28 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: So there's a separate process that actually deals with what can be rendered.
16:21:33 <clokep_work> Umm...I'm blanking on what it is...
16:21:59 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: http://mxr.mozilla.org/comm-central/source/chat/modules/imContentSink.jsm
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16:28:18 <freaktechnik> so what I'd want to do then is add a textModifier to the browser. Somehow.
16:28:39 <freaktechnik> maybe
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16:29:39 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: I *think* you just want to use kPermissiveMode?
16:29:49 <clokep_work> Or maybe another mode that allows images in addition to other stuff?
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16:29:54 <clokep_work> And in your extension you can setBaseRulset.
16:29:58 <clokep_work> How are images sent?
16:30:28 <freaktechnik> as an url
16:30:44 <freaktechnik> but kPermissive doesn't allow <img> or background-image
16:31:06 <freaktechnik> I guess I can add it as a global tag
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16:32:34 <clokep_work> Or you can customize one and use it for yourself.
16:32:37 <clokep_work> It's all pluggable.
16:32:44 <clokep_work> "as a url" you mean you want to render bare images that are sent?
16:32:50 * clokep_work has always wanted that. :-[
16:32:55 <clokep_work> And other stuff like youtube, etc.
16:33:45 <freaktechnik> they're emoticons, but yes, bare images.
16:35:15 <freaktechnik> not really, since setBaseRuleset isn't exposed, for example. And cleanupImMarkup is used in the browser binding, and the way to interact is via textModifier. That's how emoticons are inserted.
16:35:18 <clokep_work> Interesting.
16:35:32 <clokep_work> (o_O)
16:35:50 <clokep_work> Umm...the content sink is definitely pluuggable.
16:35:53 <freaktechnik> oh, fun. To invoke addGlobalAllowedTag, you first have to invoke createDerivedRuleset, so gGlobalRuleset gets initialized^^
16:36:11 <clokep_work> If there's a bug, please fix it. :P
16:36:20 <freaktechnik> I'm not sure if bug or feature ;)
16:36:46 <clokep_work> If it's lazily initialized, we probably mean to initialize it first.
16:37:20 <freaktechnik> which can be done from the outside by invoking createDerivedRuleset...
16:38:12 <freaktechnik> oh, the baseRuleset can be set via messenger.options.filerMode.
16:38:20 <clokep_work> Yes.
16:38:44 <clokep_work> I think there's a bug open about making a super permissive one that isn't exposed in the UI, but I could be misremembering.
16:41:19 <flo-retina> I don't remember that :)
16:41:45 <freaktechnik> Is there any way to see the source of the html output?
16:44:28 <clokep_work> Not sure what yo mean.
16:44:35 <clokep_work> The HTML output like...in the conversation window?
16:44:40 <clokep_work> There's an extension that may or may not work...
16:44:54 <freaktechnik> okay, I'll just try logging for now in that case..
16:48:54 <freaktechnik> okay, now the img tag and its alt and src attribute survive the clensing... Now I just need to get instantbird to load the image...
16:49:13 <freaktechnik> oh, maybe I am the one who made it not work
16:49:19 <freaktechnik> because the url's wrong
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16:58:00 <freaktechnik> yup, works: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m7wrgq55f2uqmna/Screenshot%20from%202015-07-01%2018%3A53%3A20.png?dl=0
17:02:39 <clokep_work> Neat. :)
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17:44:17 <nhnt11> aleth: slice(-2) won't work
17:46:45 <nhnt11> aleth: So the reason is, there may be multiple new log files
17:47:12 <nhnt11> but yeah we can just store the length.
17:48:17 <aleth> nhnt11: hmm, you're right. We only continually index an active conv.
17:48:49 <nhnt11> well yeah but the thing is, we split by day and by message volume
17:49:00 <aleth> (where active = currently selected)
17:49:02 <nhnt11> so if someone reaches a 1000 messages and then the date changes
17:49:05 <aleth> I'm agreeing with you ;)
17:49:06 <nhnt11> they'll end up with two new files
17:51:18 <aleth> Could be way more than two. You just have to be e.g. in #developers but not have switched to that channel in the UI in a couple of days. You'll end up with a whole bunch of not-yet-indexed log files next time you switch to it.
17:51:47 <nhnt11> yeah
17:51:56 <nhnt11> wait
17:51:58 <nhnt11> what?
17:52:13 <nhnt11> wait
17:52:35 <nhnt11> aha
17:52:36 <aleth> check out the observe method
17:52:38 <nhnt11> you're right
17:52:43 <nhnt11> indeed
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20:05:04 <freaktechnik> are /me ACTIONs not handled as PRIVMSG?
20:05:47 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: They're CTCP.
20:06:02 <freaktechnik> oh, CTCP has the same proority as my handler
20:06:15 <freaktechnik> do priorities go as big as numbers can go?
20:07:03 <clokep_work> Yes.
20:07:08 <clokep_work> It's just a JS Number.
20:07:28 <freaktechnik> okay, so I can just add like 100 to the HIGH_PRIORITY constant and I override the CTCP handler :)
20:07:54 <freaktechnik> (I need to pass tags from the handlers to the writeMessage part, which is fun)
20:08:12 <clokep_work> Yes.
20:08:23 <clokep_work> I don't know what that second part means.
20:09:06 <freaktechnik> it means dodging around interfaces that mask objects and stuff. But it's possible, so it's not too bad...
20:10:19 <clokep_work> I udnerstand that.
20:10:26 <clokep_work> I'm asking what you're *trying to do* so I can help you do it.
20:10:29 <clokep_work> Tell you if there's a better way.
20:11:57 <freaktechnik> I need to get the tags from an IRC message in the prepareForDisplay handler. Currently I'm doing so, by setting adding the tags to the third misc properties object for messages in the handler, then using a custom message constructor in writeMessage, which maps the content of said object to a map with the message's ID
20:12:48 <freaktechnik> I have to do the map part, because the original imIMessage object gets masked.
20:13:14 <freaktechnik> hmm, maybe it's time to put the code on github. Too much to loose at this point...
20:13:44 <clokep_work> I don't follow still, sorry.
20:17:12 <freaktechnik> clokep_work: basicly I have to get the tags from https://github.com/freaktechnik/twitch-provider/blob/master/lib/twitch-handlers.js#L104 to https://github.com/freaktechnik/twitch-provider/blob/master/lib/twitch.js#L69
20:18:40 <clokep_work> Why?
20:19:13 <clokep_work> Can that be done before calling writeMessage?
20:19:42 <freaktechnik> because they contain info about the message I need there. Since I'm adding HTML, which would get converted to &gt;img &lt; here: https://github.com/freaktechnik/twitch-provider/blob/master/lib/twitch.js#L66
20:21:50 <clokep_work> freaktechnik: OK, but there has to be a way to get HTML through that, XMPP does it.
20:24:09 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen 
20:24:14 <freaktechnik> XMPP only does the HTML parsing stuff on outgoing messages, since incoming is already HTML I assume
20:40:53 <freaktechnik> oh, I don't have to overwrite the CTCP implementation, but register a handler for ACTION. This makes sense :D
20:41:20 <clokep_work> It's nested, yes.
20:43:25 <freaktechnik> where's the default implmenetation for ACTION?
20:43:43 <clokep_work> ircCTCP.jsm liekly.
20:44:13 <freaktechnik> yup, found it in CTCP. Sorry for being blind XD
20:57:16 --> EionRobb has joined #instantbird
20:59:29 <clokep_work> Not a problem. Hopefully that makes it easier for yo.
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22:37:42 <nhnt11> bah
22:38:09 <nhnt11> So when I open #chatdev from the awesometab when it's on hold, it doesn't automatically scroll to the bottom of the conversation
22:38:12 * nhnt11 wonders why
22:38:23 <nhnt11> it scrolls down for #instantbird though
22:55:05 <flo-retina> nhnt11: is ti close to the bottom, or not scrolling at all?
22:55:16 <nhnt11> flo-retina: it's stuck at the very top
22:55:23 <flo-retina> I've never seen that
22:55:35 <flo-retina> well, no. I saw that years ago and we worked around it.
22:56:10 <nhnt11> flo-retina: It's no longer happening
22:56:42 <flo-retina> at the time it was scrollIntoView failing spectacularly for documents where a reflow hadn't happened yet.
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23:38:53 <freaktechnik> is there any particular reason why commands can't contain numbers?
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