#instantbird log on 03 29 2015

All times are UTC.

00:02:37 <-- Bollebib has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
00:08:26 <-- AlexanderSalas has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
00:47:10 --> AlexanderSalas has joined #instantbird
01:12:02 * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away 
02:09:19 --> micahg has joined #instantbird
03:41:47 --> Widders has joined #instantbird
03:45:00 <-- Widdershins has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
03:54:45 <instant-buildbot> build #1672 of win32-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/win32-nightly-default/builds/1672
04:07:33 <instant-buildbot> build #1349 of linux-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/linux-nightly-default/builds/1349
04:26:18 <instant-buildbot> build #2605 of macosx-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed shell_5]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/macosx-nightly-default/builds/2605
05:08:26 <-- mpmc has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
06:09:55 <-- micahg has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
06:32:17 --> andersr has joined #instantbird
06:34:03 <-- andersr has quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
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07:36:13 <instant-buildbot> build #261 of linux64-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/linux64-nightly-default/builds/261
07:39:00 <-- mconley has quit (Connection closed)
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08:30:15 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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08:55:01 <-- Tonnes has quit (Connection closed)
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09:22:18 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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09:50:01 --> Bollebib has joined #instantbird
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09:58:54 <-- AlexanderSalas has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
10:24:42 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
10:32:31 <-- Tonnes has quit (Connection closed)
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10:44:59 <-- EionRobb has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
11:29:57 <-- mikk_s has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
11:57:29 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird
12:15:16 <-- BWMerlin has quit (Client exited)
12:28:41 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen 
12:36:30 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
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13:58:16 <-- Widders has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
14:11:27 <-- mpmc has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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14:32:05 <-- Widder has quit (Quit: Leaving)
14:41:18 <Fallen> What version of the remote debugger server are you guys using for 1.6 nightly?
14:42:59 <clokep> I don't know if we ever really set any of that up.
14:50:10 <Fallen> ok, I was just thinking maybe you have some version of the dbgserver extension that works with 1.6 for local dev. The ones I have tried are failing
14:51:22 <clokep> Nope.
14:51:25 <clokep> Sorry. :(
14:51:28 <Fallen> no problem :)
14:51:54 <clokep> I wish we didn't even need an extension though. :(
14:52:00 <Fallen> yeah, I should fix that
14:52:52 <Fallen> btw, on my side project, the protocol plugin works, the tab shows a browser, but for some reason some (but not all) button clicks are not moving the angular app forward. The Error Console doesn't show any errors. Would you know what I need to do to a xul:browser to make it behave just like a normal browser with permissions and everything?
14:53:01 <Fallen> or how to make sure all browser errors show up?
14:53:27 <clokep> I think browser errors should pop up without any changes.
14:53:31 <clokep> Maybe cookies?
14:53:46 <clokep> That would be my first guess.
14:54:09 <clokep> (Specifially https://mxr.mozilla.org/comm-central/source/im/app/profile/all-instantbird.js#261)
15:02:32 <Fallen> clokep: hmm good idea. Lets try it
15:04:30 <-- mikk_s has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
15:04:47 <Fallen> clokep: wow great! It worked!
15:05:06 <clokep> Fallen: You're welcome. ;)
15:05:25 <Fallen> next up, figure out how to mock the prompt for sharing media devices (not a question, I'll search first :)
15:09:08 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
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15:09:46 <Fallen> thanks :-)
15:20:05 <Fallen> video in a window!
15:20:22 <aleth> are you playing with webrtc? :-)
15:21:08 <Fallen> aleth: kinda. At work we split out hubl.in as a videoconf solution. I'd like to create a protocol extension that allows me to join conferences directly from instantbird.
15:21:38 <aleth> sounds good
15:21:47 <Fallen> I can already use File > Join Chat to create a conversation window that loads the conference webpage
15:22:28 <Fallen> now I just need to do some cleanup and fix some display issues, hook up automatically setting the nickname from the preferences, and maybe add some UI to be able to select a camera/microphone
15:22:50 <aleth> There's a button for video calls that you could reuse as part of the big video chat patch, but it doesn't have controls for camera/mic yet
15:23:07 <Fallen> is that in the tree yet?
15:23:14 <aleth> no, it's waiting for review iirc
15:23:17 <Fallen> ok
15:24:35 <aleth> How does hubl.in scale with many participants? Does it just open N simultaneous webrtc video connections?
15:24:45 <Fallen> not quite sure. We use easyrtc
15:25:03 <Fallen> last I had about 200k bandwidth with 5-6 participants
15:25:22 <Fallen> but I also recall it reaching 1 mb/sec
15:25:50 <aleth> asking because the website claims it's all p2p, and videoconferencing tends to not be
15:29:08 <Fallen> I never actually worked on the videoconf side of that, so I can't say for sure. We do use webrtc, I guess it might not scale with a lot of people. Optimize later :-)
15:29:46 <Fallen> its kind of a side project, we'll be using this in our main project, an open source enterprise social network
15:29:56 <Fallen> http://open-paas.org/
15:30:00 <Fallen> need to run!
15:30:22 --> AlexanderSalas has joined #instantbird
15:37:49 --> Widdershins has joined #instantbird
16:00:26 <-- aleth has left #instantbird ()
16:11:20 * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away 
16:17:19 <-- Widdershins has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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17:53:42 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
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18:09:45 <-- Mnyromyr has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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18:28:29 <-- AlexanderSalas has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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18:32:04 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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18:33:30 <-- Tonnes has quit (Connection closed)
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19:01:34 --> Defman has joined #instantbird
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19:52:03 --> EionRobb has joined #instantbird
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19:57:33 --> sherief has joined #instantbird
20:01:27 <-- AlexanderSalas has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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20:11:55 <-- nhnt11-tb has quit (Client exited)
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20:40:59 <-- Bollebib has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
21:05:54 <-- nhnt11 has quit (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
22:07:12 <-- Mnyromyr has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.33/20150308222602])
22:17:49 --> mpmc has joined #instantbird
22:26:12 <-- unghost has quit (Quit: Ухожу я от вас (xchat 2.4.5 или старше))
22:33:59 <-- mconley has quit (Connection closed)
23:00:11 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen 
23:09:29 --> AlexanderSalas1 has joined #instantbird
23:13:04 <-- AlexanderSalas has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
23:18:07 <-- Defman has quit (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)