#instantbird log on 11 06 2014

All times are UTC.

00:00:10 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
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00:01:32 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: :tuiQ)
00:02:20 --> DGMurdockIII has joined #instantbird
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00:14:15 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: :tuiQ)
00:24:16 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
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00:29:56 --> arlolra has joined #instantbird
00:48:15 <-- hadi1 has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
01:10:37 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
01:11:14 <-- Rym_ has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:21:12 <-- Armada has quit (Connection closed)
01:38:00 * redDragon|away is now known as redDragon 
01:56:46 <-- myk has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
01:57:35 <-- Mook_as has quit (Client exited)
02:10:26 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
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03:57:48 <-- arlolra has quit (Client exited)
04:05:04 --> dru has joined #instantbird
04:20:06 <instant-buildbot> build #1218 of linux-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed compile]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/linux-nightly-default/builds/1218
04:32:16 <dru> does anyone know if there's a way to send an identify command upon logging into an irc channel with instantbird?
04:33:32 <-- clokep has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:33:32 <-- mconley has quit (Connection closed)
04:36:20 <-- EionRobb has quit (Quit: Leaving.)
04:37:31 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
04:45:04 <-- DGMurdockIII has quit (Quit: Leaving)
04:54:41 <instant-buildbot> build #2414 of macosx-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/macosx-nightly-default/builds/2414
05:11:53 <instant-buildbot> build #114 of linux64-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed compile]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/linux64-nightly-default/builds/114
05:13:07 --> kapy_ has joined #instantbird
05:13:50 <instant-buildbot> build #1566 of win32-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/win32-nightly-default/builds/1566
05:15:22 <-- kapy has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
05:15:25 * kapy_ is now known as kapy 
05:26:11 --> sherief__ has joined #instantbird
05:28:24 <-- dru has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
05:54:32 --> Bollebib has joined #instantbird
06:37:50 <-- sherief__ has quit (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.)
06:38:49 <-- Bollebib has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
06:54:27 <-- kapy has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
06:55:10 --> kapy has joined #instantbird
06:55:22 <-- kapy has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
06:57:20 --> mpmc has joined #instantbird
07:43:28 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird
08:11:57 --> InReal4D has joined #instantbird
08:12:24 <InReal4D> Coucou la foule figée.
08:17:14 <InReal4D> Ca aurait été bien un thème flat design, non ?
08:18:22 --> sherief has joined #instantbird
08:20:47 <flo-retina> InReal4D: salut. Tu peux le faire si tu es motivé :).
08:21:13 <-- Widdershins has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
08:21:24 <InReal4D> motivé, peut-être mais savoir le faire, ça doit être dur ^^ y'aurait eu une interface html5/css3 pourquoi pas :D
08:22:12 <InReal4D> il est encore plus simple que Trillian ce logiciel, alala, je tombe dessus juste après l'installation de mon ssd, excellent'é !
08:23:26 <flo-retina> InReal4D: ça tombe bien, le thème c'est tout en CSS :)
08:23:56 <InReal4D> whut ? good je regarderais ça !
08:45:46 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
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08:49:32 --> edhelas has joined #instantbird
08:58:26 <InReal4D> c'est dommage, je ne reçois aucun, aucun clignotement lorsqu'il y a des nouveaux messages sur irc
08:59:04 <InReal4D> sons+
08:59:34 <-- InReal4D has quit (Quit: Ma publicité non envahissante ! > http://xavier-lewandowski.fr/)
09:00:24 <-- flo-retina has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
09:09:46 --> sherief_ has joined #instantbird
09:12:58 <-- sherief has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
09:16:53 --> InReal4D has joined #instantbird
09:17:30 <InReal4D> pas de notification ou l'affichage de la fenêtre quand je me connecte à un serveur irc
09:28:24 --> aleth1 has joined #instantbird
09:28:24 * ChanServ sets mode +o aleth1 
09:28:24 <-- aleth has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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09:55:24 --> flo-retina has joined #instantbird
09:55:25 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo-retina flo-retina 
09:56:45 <-- aleth has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
09:59:25 <-- InReal4D has quit (Quit: Ma publicité non envahissante ! > http://xavier-lewandowski.fr/)
10:20:36 --> Armada has joined #instantbird
10:23:39 --> sonny has joined #instantbird
10:26:00 --> BWMerlin has joined #instantbird
10:29:36 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen 
10:35:32 --> sherief__ has joined #instantbird
10:38:33 <-- sherief_ has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
10:42:05 <-- gerard-majax has quit (Quit: Leaving)
10:46:44 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird
11:14:33 <instantbot> New Instantbird - Other bug 1094739 filed by zefilipe.groups@gmail.com.
11:14:34 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1094739 nor, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, intantbird does not start after last nightly update - segmentation fault
11:18:17 <-- BWMerlin has quit (Client exited)
11:21:32 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
11:21:32 * ChanServ sets mode +o clokep 
11:22:45 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
11:22:54 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
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11:24:53 * redDragon is now known as redDragon|away 
11:42:51 --> kapy has joined #instantbird
11:43:12 <-- gerard-majax has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
11:44:00 <clokep> Has anyone else seen that segfault reported?
11:45:05 <flo-retina> seems to be on Linux
11:50:56 --> sherief_ has joined #instantbird
11:53:36 <-- sherief__ has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
12:04:07 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
12:11:37 <edhelas> I've seen the segfault too
12:11:42 <edhelas> on the dev and stable version
12:14:54 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
12:18:26 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
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12:38:57 --> nhnt11 has joined #instantbird
12:53:08 --> hadi has joined #instantbird
13:11:03 * Fallen is now known as Fallen|away 
13:14:18 --> aleth1 has joined #instantbird
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13:14:49 <-- aleth has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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13:17:48 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Connection closed)
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13:24:18 --> clokep_work has joined #instantbird
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13:26:33 <flo-retina> edhelas: more details about it would be useful
13:35:57 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird
13:37:09 --> sherief__ has joined #instantbird
13:38:51 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen 
13:40:12 <-- sherief_ has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
13:44:48 <-- sonny has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
14:23:33 --> sonny has joined #instantbird
14:25:57 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
14:30:32 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
14:44:02 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
14:51:26 --> kapy_ has joined #instantbird
14:51:28 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
14:53:57 <-- kapy has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
14:54:02 * kapy_ is now known as kapy 
14:55:29 --> InReal4D has joined #instantbird
14:55:57 <InReal4D> Comment ajouter des sons lorsque le client IRC reçoit des messages ?
14:56:44 <aleth> InReal4D: https://addons.instantbird.org/en-US/instantbird/addon/341
14:56:48 <flo-retina> InReal4D: can you try asking your question in English? :)
14:57:06 <InReal4D> merci aleth, j'avais pas trouvé
15:09:51 <-- aleth has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
15:11:14 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
15:11:14 * ChanServ sets mode +o aleth 
15:19:10 <InReal4D> C'est quand même assez mal expliqué pour modifier un thème, télécharger le thème de base etc.
15:20:40 <flo-retina> InReal4D: are you trying to modify the way messages are displayed, or the whole user interface?
15:21:08 <InReal4D> entire interface
15:22:57 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
15:23:02 <clokep_work> If you notice issues with the documentation, please update it. :)
15:23:22 <InReal4D> Anglais / Français :s ( :D )
15:24:25 <flo-retina> InReal4D: I'm French, but not everybody here understands French, so you are more likely to get fast answers if everybody can understand what you are saying/asking :).
15:24:43 <InReal4D> Ok.
15:25:29 <InReal4D> Dans l'ensemble sinon, Instantbird c'est cool, clean.
15:25:44 <InReal4D> In otherwise set Instantbird is cool, clean.*
15:26:51 <clokep_work> aleth: bug 954497 :-D
15:26:53 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=954497 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Unsharp MUC icon in infobar on conversation top (height is 1px too large)
15:27:27 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
15:27:56 <aleth> haha, so on Windows the issue has been there since forever and nobody fixed it?
15:28:04 <clokep_work> Yes.
15:28:26 <aleth> Sounds like Windows needs some TLC...
15:28:37 <clokep_work> Did we check that in already?
15:29:02 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org changed the Resolution on bug 954497 from --- to DUPLICATE.
15:29:03 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=954497 nor, --, ---, nobody, RESO DUPLICATE, Unsharp MUC icon in infobar on conversation top (height is 1px too large)
15:29:08 <aleth> Yes
15:29:41 <aleth> (of course on OSX it was 3px too large so more noticeable I guess)
15:32:28 <clokep_work> Yep. :)
15:32:32 <clokep_work> Thanks i couldn't find the bug.
15:33:55 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com changed the Resolution on bug 954661 from --- to WONTFIX.
15:33:56 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=954661 nor, --, ---, nobody, RESO WONTFIX, Make pymake work for Instantbird's slaves
15:33:56 <-- qheaden has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
15:35:25 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com changed the Resolution on bug 954721 from --- to WORKSFORME.
15:35:26 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=954721 enh, --, ---, nobody, RESO WORKSFORME, Increase discoverability of changing the network in use to talk to a contact
15:36:11 <flo-retina> :)
15:37:59 <aleth> Nice to discover fixed bugs ;)
15:38:17 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com changed the Resolution on bug 954649 from --- to INCOMPLETE.
15:38:19 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=954649 enh, --, ---, nobody, RESO INCOMPLETE, A new logo for Instantbird
15:42:57 <-- clokep_work has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
15:50:19 --> clokep_work has joined #instantbird
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15:53:32 <clokep_work> Yeah. I was trying to find the bug that I think bug 1094278 is a duplicate of.
15:53:32 <clokep_work> but no luck.
15:53:34 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1094278 enh, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, notifications about custom keywords for IRC
15:53:57 --> nhnt11 has joined #instantbird
15:54:07 <aleth> Does the highlight addon still work?
15:54:21 <aleth> I'd be tempted to wontfix and point to that
15:55:15 --> qheaden has joined #instantbird
15:55:23 <qheaden> Hello everyone.
15:56:11 <qheaden> Soooo.. Ib is getting a "The server closed the connection" message when connecting to Google Talk.
15:56:30 <flo-retina> qheaden: there's a bug on file for that. Do you have time to debug it?
15:56:43 <qheaden> I searched online, looks like some people are recently reporting that their old Google Talk app shows a message saying that it is no longer supported.
15:56:50 <qheaden> I wonder if they closed their XMPP gateway.
15:56:50 <flo-retina> aleth: I think we got that request frequently enough that making it part of the build by default would make sense.
15:57:04 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Connection closed)
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15:57:22 <flo-retina> or if not, ensuring the add-on relies on a stable API (IIRC the original add-on was messing with the tabbrowser in pretty ugly ways)
15:58:10 <aleth> clokep_work: any thoughts on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1085150#c11 ?
15:58:12 <instantbot> Bug 1085150 nor, --, ---, aleth, ASSI, Handle NickServ "You are already identified" messages on nick change
15:58:36 <clokep_work> aleth: My thoughts are tha I was too tired to think about it when I read it. :-D
15:58:36 <aleth> qheaden: It seems to be possible to connect with older builds, so we suspected a regression somewhere
15:58:47 <clokep_work> qheaden: Old versions of IB still work, I think. But it'd be good for someone to verify.
15:58:47 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
16:00:10 * qheaden will be back. He is going to install Linux on his work machine.
16:00:24 <-- qheaden has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
16:03:15 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
16:03:24 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
16:04:35 <-- flo-retina has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
16:14:09 <-- hadi has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
16:18:41 --> myk has joined #instantbird
16:20:20 <-- Suiseiseki has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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16:22:59 <clokep_work> aleth: There you go. ;)
16:23:43 <aleth> clokep_work: Thanks!
16:24:01 <aleth> clokep_work: Isn't it odd we can SASL AUTH succesfully for a nick that is already taken?
16:24:18 --> Suiseiseki has joined #instantbird
16:24:44 <clokep_work> aleth: You don't sasl to a nick, you sasl to a username.
16:24:47 <clokep_work> Or something weird like that.
16:24:52 <clokep_work> The answer is "No, it's not weird." :)
16:25:58 <aleth> For some special IRC-only definition of "not weird" ;)
16:26:22 <clokep_work> aleth: So there's vaguely a concept of an "account" not tied to a username or nickname.
16:26:27 <clokep_work> And that's what SASL logins are about.
16:26:36 <clokep_work> IIRC.
16:27:17 <aleth> I guess the idea is you can auth your nick (it's not the IRC username that's used) and then kick the person who is using it or something
16:28:59 <clokep_work> OR just be logged in from multiple places.
16:29:06 <clokep_work> But yes, you're "authenticated" at that point.
16:29:12 <clokep_work> SO you could ghost / recover your nick.
16:29:33 <aleth> OK
16:29:47 <clokep_work> Does that answer your question? :)
16:29:59 <aleth> I was going to look at the specs but I don't have time atm. This is quicker ;)
16:30:22 --> flo-retina has joined #instantbird
16:30:22 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo-retina flo-retina 
16:30:23 <aleth> Yes, I guess it means we have a bunch of edge case bugs
16:31:19 * redDragon|away is now known as redDragon 
16:33:23 --> Bollebib has joined #instantbird
16:44:59 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
16:46:08 <-- edhelas has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
16:48:22 * redDragon is now known as redDragon|away 
16:50:36 --> arlolra has joined #instantbird
17:02:30 --> Gnuzilla has joined #instantbird
17:02:50 <Gnuzilla> Greetings!
17:04:00 <Gnuzilla> I believe I mentioned the Telegram protocol before in this chat? 
17:04:32 <Gnuzilla> Telegram is a new open messaging protocol that claims to be encrypted and safe for video, voice and text messages...
17:05:42 <Gnuzilla> Anyway, I just learned that someone wrote a pidgin plugin to add Telegram support.  So I was wondering if the same would be possible for Instantbird.  
17:06:03 <clokep_work> Yes.
17:06:52 <Gnuzilla> That's good to hear.  :)
17:08:02 <Gnuzilla> I know that both Instantbird and pidgin share the libpurple library.  But I guess it's matter of *where there's a will, there's a way.*  I'm not a coder but I love Instantbird.
17:09:04 <Gnuzilla> I had an interesting idea...though it might be a bit too convoluted.
17:09:04 <aleth> While it's possible, nobody is working on supporting Telegram. But there is ongoing work on supporting OTR
17:09:16 <Gnuzilla> OTR is good...
17:09:27 <-- Tonnes has quit (Connection closed)
17:11:07 --> Tonnes has joined #instantbird
17:11:20 <Gnuzilla> Another idea I had, was finding a way to integrate bitmessage.  Though it's more of an email alternative then a chat protocol.  However, it's entirely possible someone will find a way to build a chat protocol based on bitmessage. 
17:11:36 <Gnuzilla> Eventually...
17:14:33 <Gnuzilla> Anyway, thank you for listening to my goofy ideas.   Have a wonderful day!  I look forward to all the new things Instantbird has in store.
17:14:38 <-- Gnuzilla has left #instantbird ()
17:15:37 <clokep_work> That was fast. :)
17:24:44 <-- kapy has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com))
17:28:05 <-- aleth has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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17:56:04 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
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18:37:01 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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19:07:40 --> aleth1 has joined #instantbird
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19:08:00 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
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19:08:40 * aleth1 is now known as aleth 
19:10:00 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
19:14:27 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
19:37:10 --> EionRobb has joined #instantbird
19:37:42 <-- mpmc has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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20:27:58 --> hadi has joined #instantbird
20:32:21 <-- InReal4D has quit (Quit: Ma publicité non envahissante ! > http://xavier-lewandowski.fr/)
21:01:42 <clokep_work> EionRobb: That's a fun bug. :)
21:01:47 <clokep_work> "Use it if it doesn't exist!" :-D
21:02:11 <EionRobb> I'm sure using unallocated memory is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
21:12:21 --> DGMurdockIII has joined #instantbird
21:14:49 <clokep_work> Ah, but looks like you were beat to it! :-D
21:18:52 <DGMurdockIII> googke talk is not working for me
21:19:15 <EionRobb> aww
21:22:12 <clokep_work> DGMurdockIII: Bug 1092701
21:22:14 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1092701 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Cannot connect to Google Talk with Instantbird 1.6a1pre
21:22:37 <clokep_work> No one has investigated why though
21:22:38 <DGMurdockIII> ok
21:22:51 <DGMurdockIII> Failed to load native module at path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Instantbird\components\xpcomsample.dll': (80520012) <unknown; can't get error from NSPR>
21:22:54 <clokep_work> DGMurdockIII: If you're on a nightly that is, if you're on a release and it's not working...I'm more concerned. :-\
21:23:13 <DGMurdockIII> im on nightly
21:23:54 <clokep_work> OK.
21:26:18 <flo-retina> would be nice to look into this soon
21:26:31 <flo-retina> would be easier to get attention on a m-c regression if it's a recent one
21:28:31 <DGMurdockIII> it worked last verson
21:30:13 <-- clokep_work has quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
21:31:25 <DGMurdockIII> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/7152319
21:31:37 <DGMurdockIII> im going to past my debug log
21:32:16 <DGMurdockIII> Could not read chrome manifest 'file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Instantbird/extensions/%7B972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd%7D/chrome.manifest'.
21:32:56 <DGMurdockIII> error: purple/libpurple/proxy.c@4c72d54c0d6f: not found in manifest
21:33:26 <DGMurdockIII> http://pastebin.mozilla.org/7152330
21:33:37 <aleth> DGMurdockIII: thanks
21:34:01 <DGMurdockIII> that help with the error
21:36:09 <DGMurdockIII> aleth, so that helps?
21:36:37 <aleth> DGMurdockIII: It will take some more complicated analysis, unfortunately
21:37:19 <DGMurdockIII> im going to make it easer than coping my debug i'll make a screenshoit of it
21:38:08 <DGMurdockIII> http://i.imgur.com/zNOPAGe.png
21:38:13 <-- Bollebib has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5 -- http://www.instantbird.com)
21:38:34 <flo-retina> is AIM also not working?
21:38:49 <DGMurdockIII> AIM is working
21:38:59 <flo-retina> the errors in that screenshot are from an AIM account
21:39:30 <DGMurdockIII> yeah aim is working
21:41:21 <DGMurdockIII> what about this http://pastebin.mozilla.org/7152429
21:42:22 <flo-retina> "onStopRequest (2152398868)" is the only message related to the gtalk problem
21:42:30 <flo-retina> we already have it pasted in the bug
21:42:46 <DGMurdockIII> ok
21:52:55 <instantbot> standard8@mozilla.com set status-thunderbird to fixed on bug 1078223.
21:52:56 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1078223 nor, --, 1.6, aleth, RESO FIXED, Unhandled IRC messages: 598 and 599
21:53:15 <instantbot> standard8@mozilla.com set status-thunderbird to fixed on bug 1080838.
21:53:16 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1080838 nor, --, 1.6, aleth, RESO FIXED, Participants not removed on leaving a channel
21:55:46 <instantbot> standard8@mozilla.com set status-thunderbird to fixed on bug 1078223.
21:55:47 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1078223 nor, --, 1.6, aleth, RESO FIXED, Unhandled IRC messages: 598 and 599
21:56:06 <instantbot> standard8@mozilla.com set status-thunderbird to fixed on bug 1080838.
21:56:07 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1080838 nor, --, 1.6, aleth, RESO FIXED, Participants not removed on leaving a channel
21:58:06 <instantbot> philipp@bugzilla.kewis.ch changed the Resolution on bug 1082501 from --- to FIXED.
21:58:07 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1082501 nor, --, 1.6, aleth, RESO FIXED, LIST fails on some servers during the first minute after connection
21:59:17 <aleth> bugfixes ahoy!
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22:42:09 <clokep> aleth: Thanks for getting that stuff uplifted. :)
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