#instantbird log on 03 18 2014

All times are UTC.

00:11:38 --> Rym has joined #instantbird
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04:20:21 <instant-buildbot> build #2084 of macosx-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/macosx-nightly-default/builds/2084
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04:45:08 <instant-buildbot> build #1300 of win32-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/win32-nightly-default/builds/1300
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07:03:22 * Fallen|away is now known as Fallen
07:07:51 <Fallen> flo-retina: ping
07:15:45 <-- GeKo has quit (Ping timeout)
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07:31:44 <Fallen> flo-retina: can you add Mohit (redDragon) as a mentor for gsoc? I read he hasn't been accepted yet.
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09:09:25 <shrihari> Hey.. Any comments on the proposal I sent in last night for review?
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09:22:44 <Mic> shrihari: clokep sent feedback but it went only to the team mailing list. I've forwarded it to you.
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09:28:12 <shrihari> Mic: Got it, thanks.
09:28:26 <shrihari> Do you have any additional comments?
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09:56:17 <flo-retina> Fallen: done.
09:56:26 <Fallen> thanks
09:56:32 <flo-retina> Fallen: I haven't reviewed the whole list yet
09:56:45 <flo-retina> I've got 42 mentor applications; most are spam.
09:57:17 <flo-retina> I had only approved 3 mentors yet (when the names were obviously people I knew were mentors)
09:57:36 <Fallen> no problem, I thought so :)
10:04:46 <Mic> flo-retina: I just finished my mentor application on Google Melange :)
10:05:29 <flo-retina> Mic: welcome
10:05:37 <Mic> Thanks :)
10:05:50 <Mic> Now that's a responsive org admin :)
10:06:12 <flo-retina> you pinged ;)
10:09:35 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout)
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10:17:18 <nhnt11> The awesometab seems to be un-broken :)
10:19:59 <-- flo-retina has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
10:26:29 <Mic> There are some Instantbird-related repos on Github: https://github.com/search?q=%40alexsalas+Instantbird
10:27:19 <Mic> Mostly variations of XMPP customizing the default server...
10:28:41 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
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10:33:46 <clokep> Mic: Most of those look like an empty plug-in and send to /dev/null.
10:34:03 <Mic> I saw that too
10:34:27 <Mic> And Bitcoin links galore :P
10:38:34 --> clokep_ has joined #instantbird
10:38:50 <-- clokep has quit (Ping timeout)
10:39:51 <clokep_> Haha.
10:49:02 <nhnt11> clokep_: I want to set bug 984601 as resolved, but there doesn't seem to be an option for "FIXEDITSELF" :P
10:49:06 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=984601 nor, --, ---, nhnt11, ASSI, Awesometab indexing broken
10:49:22 <nhnt11> (Should I use worksforme?)
10:50:10 <clokep_> nhnt11: Yes.
10:50:27 <-- Even has quit (Ping timeout)
10:59:58 * nhnt11 couldn't find anything on the m-c log or on bugzilla that would explain how the log sweeping code fixed itself
11:00:32 <clokep_> Did OS.File have check-ins?
11:01:31 <clokep_> Remember we were busted yesterday.
11:03:50 <nhnt11> I don't see any check-ins related to OS.File or Promises that are relevant on m-c.
11:03:50 <-- clokep_ has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
11:05:21 <instantbot> nhnt11@gmail.com changed the Resolution on bug 984601 from --- to WORKSFORME.
11:05:22 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=984601 nor, --, ---, nhnt11, RESO WORKSFORME, Awesometab indexing broken
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11:32:06 <flo-retina> nhnt11: my log viewing pattern has become: "Command+T <time 2 or 3 letters> <enter> Command+h" ;)
11:32:17 <flo-retina> s/time/type/
11:40:32 --> Even has joined #instantbird
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11:40:34 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird -- http://www.instantbird.com)
11:44:17 --> nhnt12 has joined #instantbird
11:44:35 <nhnt12> flo-retina:  Cmd+H caused Ib to crash :S
11:45:25 <nhnt12> (I know you meant Cmd+Shift+H)
11:45:27 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout)
11:45:52 * nhnt12 finds that the "Preferences crash" is more like the "menu item crash"
11:46:06 <nhnt12> I've had crashes when trying to view the about window as well, and now with the "Hide Instantbird' item
11:46:44 <nhnt12> Ah, all of these items are in the "Instantbird" Mac specific menu
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12:24:27 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout)
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12:58:16 <flo-retina> nhnt12: all these crashes are the "Instantbird" mac menu, _if_ you've closed the blist window.
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13:39:52 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout)
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13:44:40 <clokep_work> Well...looks like we'll be on Moz 31 tomorrow.
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13:52:41 <flo-retina> clokep_work: is that a problem?
13:52:53 <clokep_work> flo-retina: Quite the opposite!
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13:55:42 <flo-retina> clokep_work: I was wondering if you were concerned about some patches that had to go in before the uplift or something
13:55:48 <flo-retina> 31 is the next Tb release, right?
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13:58:27 <clokep_work> flo-retina: Yes, it is. But we're NOW on 31, right?
13:58:35 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout)
13:59:03 <flo-retina> "looks like we'll be on Moz 31 tomorrow." my nightly says 31.0a1
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14:02:59 <clokep_work> flo-retina: http://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/rev/e7be96ffcbbe
14:03:08 <clokep_work> They must have done it before yesterday's nightlies.
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14:03:12 <clokep_work> I don't know what to tell you.
14:03:28 <nhnt11> flo-retina: http://log.bezut.info/instantbird/today/#m161 - I just had a crash with the blist window open
14:03:33 <flo-retina> ok, so 31 is now aurora
14:04:09 <flo-retina> nhnt11: I'm not saying it can't crash if there's a blist window. Just that I've never seen that crash if the blist window (the one opened at startup) has never been closed
14:04:48 <nhnt11> I'm pretty sure I'd never closed the blist window after startup this time
14:05:00 <nhnt11> (It opened, I clicked About Instantbird, it crashed)
14:05:25 <nhnt11> But my memory may be flawed, I wasn't particularly paying attention to whether I'd closed the blist or not
14:06:01 <flo-retina> ok
14:06:04 <flo-retina> never mind then
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14:20:31 <nhnt11> flo-retina, clokep_work: Any ETA on more feedback for my proposal? Based on that I'll decide whether to send you an updated one tonight or wait and address your feedback first.
14:20:40 * nhnt11 has a few hours now on the bus before he loses 3g reception
14:21:26 <flo-retina> nhnt11: not from me (I didn't know you were seeking/waiting feedback, I thought we gave some yesterday already)
14:21:30 <clokep_work> nhnt11: Didn't we send feedback already?
14:21:43 <flo-retina> seems we agree ;)
14:21:58 <nhnt11> clokep_work: You said "My quick thoughts at least, I'll try to read it in more detail later." so I thought you had more to add.
14:22:12 <clokep_work> nhnt11: I didn't read it again.
14:22:20 <nhnt11> Alright, I'll address whatever you guys mentioned already.
14:22:43 <clokep_work> nhnt11: I ended up spending more time on it than I expected to have. :)
14:22:51 <clokep_work> So I don't have more dteailed feedback at the moment.
14:22:59 <nhnt11> Alright
14:24:40 <nhnt11> I'd appreciate a general assessment of it like "Needs work" or "Getting there, but...". Mostly I think you've mentioned the part that comes after "but..." :P
14:26:02 <flo-retina> both?
14:26:49 <nhnt11> Okay
14:26:50 <flo-retina> I don't fully remember, but I think what I read made sense, except you seemed to be implying the database would replace .json files; which would be a bad idea
14:27:39 <nhnt11> Yup you mentioned that concern. My response was "I wasn't implying keeping them _or_ discarding them"
14:28:03 * nhnt11 updated that part of the proposal already
14:28:16 <flo-retina> I saw that; doesn't change that it's not the impression I got when reading the proposal ;)
14:28:40 <nhnt11> Right right.
14:29:26 <nhnt11> Hmm, actually it does seem to imply deleting the old logs now that I'm reading it again :S
14:29:30 <nhnt11> Whatever, I've addressed that.
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15:29:20 <nhnt11> flo-retina: I disagree about not dropping messages directed at the user (for MUCs) btw.
15:29:30 <flo-retina> why?
15:29:34 <nhnt11> Why would it be benefitial to not drop them?
15:29:51 <nhnt11> Let's say the user was pinged and then there were 10k messages not directed at him/her
15:30:17 <nhnt11> We wouldn't want to display all 10k messages when the user restored the conversation, just because he/she was pinged
15:30:33 <nhnt11> I may be misunderstanding what you mean by "drop" though?
15:30:58 <flo-retina> "We wouldn't want to display all 10k messages when the user restored the conversation, just because he/she was pinged" why not?
15:31:13 <nhnt11> Because it would take forever?
15:31:26 <nhnt11> Unless we're doing it async, but then why not on scrolling as usual?
15:31:32 <flo-retina> we would display 50 messages around the ping, and the most recent 50 messages, and then display the others only if the user scrolls
15:32:14 <flo-retina> nhnt11: what I'm saying is we can't drop these messages on the floor; you have to keep them in memory in the conversations service
15:32:26 <flo-retina> you don't have to display them unless the user scrolls to the ping (section scroll?)
15:32:34 <nhnt11> Okay, that clears it up.
15:32:46 <nhnt11> This is for after we are loading them from the logs then
15:32:53 <nhnt11> them=messages
15:32:58 <flo-retina> what if the user doesn't have logs?
15:33:33 <nhnt11> flo-retina: In my proposal I've suggested falling back to the implementation from point 2 in that case
15:33:48 * flo-retina has no idea what point 2 is
15:33:51 <nhnt11> (er, would you like me to elaborate "point 2" here or can you look at it quickly?)
15:34:17 <nhnt11> okay, one minute
15:34:28 <flo-retina> nhnt11: doesn't matter. This "not dropping messages directed at the user (for MUCs)" whole thing is a detail that can be discussed at code review time
15:34:36 <flo-retina> btw, I'm in a meeting
15:34:42 <nhnt11> okay.
15:35:13 <-- iamjayakumars has quit (Client exited)
15:35:28 <nhnt11> Fine, I won't talk about it in the proposal then
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16:29:58 <iamjayakumars> hi, is it possible to install stable and nightly instanbird in Mac OS X
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16:32:29 <iamjayakumars> clokep_work: Hi is it possible to install stable and nightly instanbird in Mac OS X
16:33:19 <clokep_work> iamjayakumars: Please don't individually ping people for questions like that.
16:33:32 <iamjayakumars> sorry :(
16:33:33 <clokep_work> iamjayakumars: You might be able to, I don't know Mac OS X well enough to give you an answer.
16:34:13 <nhnt11> iamjayakumars: Renaming one of them should wokr
16:34:32 <nhnt11> You won't be able to run both at the same time unless you force the -P flag on one of them though (separate profiles)
16:34:56 <iamjayakumars> in nightly instanbird, not displaying the online users
16:35:13 <iamjayakumars> is it problem with Mac OS X 10.9.2?
16:35:27 <nhnt11> iamjayakumars: that's been fixed, update your nightly
16:35:31 <iamjayakumars> nhnt11: i do that for firefox and thunderbird
16:35:37 <iamjayakumars> oh great thanks
16:36:01 <iamjayakumars> http://ftp.instantbird.com/instantbird/nightly/latest-trunk/
16:36:07 <iamjayakumars> this link is loading?
16:36:30 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout)
16:36:31 <nhnt11> Just update it from your existing nightly?
16:36:46 <iamjayakumars> i removed it
16:36:53 <nhnt11> ok
16:37:00 <iamjayakumars> i have backup, i try that thanks nhnt11
16:37:06 <nhnt11> np
16:37:41 <-- mayanktg has quit (Ping timeout)
16:38:24 <shrihari> nhnt11: Is your Awesometab proposal available online?
16:40:21 <nhnt11> shrihari: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2yUoLspr7_5NW8xWjlvcmcwb0k/edit?usp=sharing
16:40:52 <shrihari> thanks :)
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16:44:50 <clokep_work> iamjayakumars: I think the latest-nightly link is broken (unless flo-retina fixed it w/o me knowing)
16:44:56 <clokep_work> Although http://nightly.instantbird.im/ isn't loading at all for me..
16:45:23 <iamjayakumars> same issue here also
16:45:44 <-- Rym has quit (Ping timeout)
16:46:05 <flo-retina> the server seems down
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16:46:21 <flo-retina> I pinged Even to ask if he knows what's going on, but didn't get a reply yet
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16:47:32 <-- wnayes has quit (Ping timeout)
16:47:33 <flo-retina> the server doesn't answer pings
16:48:11 <iamjayakumars> i think entire instanbird ftp server is down
16:48:38 <iamjayakumars> i can't download stable also :(
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16:53:11 <clokep_work> :) http://logbot.glob.com.au/?c=mozilla%23maildev#c134625
16:54:08 <shrihari> nhnt11: Just realized that I can type the first few characters and directly press Enter without pressing 'Down' once.
16:54:33 <shrihari> Not very obvious in the interface.
16:54:43 <nhnt11> Ah, that isn't obvious is it...
16:54:46 <nhnt11> hmm
16:55:14 <nhnt11> shrihari: Fix it? :)
16:56:09 <shrihari> Yeah, I'll give it a try.
16:56:41 <shrihari> I'm thinking if it should be autocomplete or 'highlight first result' or both.
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16:58:57 <nhnt11> shrihari: I'd say highlighting the first result would be enough (at least as a first step that can be landed)
16:58:58 <shrihari1> My 1.5 just crashed.
16:59:12 <-- shrihari has quit (Ping timeout)
16:59:32 <shrihari1> nhnt11: Yeah, I'll look into it. Which file should I start looking at?
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17:03:01 <nhnt11> shrihari1: im/content/newtab.xml
17:10:06 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Ping timeout)
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17:10:50 <nhnt11> good night.
17:10:56 <-- nhnt11 has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
17:16:35 <-- mayanktg has quit (Ping timeout)
17:18:04 <clokep_work> I thought we didn't want to highlight the first item for some reason?
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17:26:55 <shrihari1> clokep_work: What could the reason be?
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17:32:13 <clokep_work> shrihari1: It'd be odd to always do that, I think.
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17:32:22 <clokep_work> THe design is mostly based off the awesomebar IIRC.
17:32:27 <clokep_work> But pressing enter on that has a different behavior.
17:33:24 <shrihari1> In Awesomebar, the first item is not highlighted. But it's autocompleted in the bar itself, no?
17:33:40 <clokep_work> No, not really.
17:33:47 <clokep_work> It auto-completes the domain IIRC.
17:35:00 <shrihari1> Right. Chrome auto-completes the first item.
17:35:48 <shrihari1> The current behavior of Awesometab itself is intuitive enough.
17:36:16 <shrihari1> The thing is there is no visual cue for the 'type few characters and press enter' behavior
17:39:10 <clokep_work> Sure.
17:39:25 <clokep_work> I think it also brings up the question of how to open a conversation w/ someone who isn't in the buddy list.
17:39:33 <clokep_work> Which is somethign we had hoped the awesometab could also handle.
17:43:05 <clokep_work> I don't have a strong opinion though. :)
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17:44:37 <shrihari1> Right.. This discussions came up a few days also when I was asking about hidden IRC channels.
17:44:55 <flo-retina> Even called me to explain the situation with our servers. A router of our hosting company died. 2 of our servers are in the specific server room that's impacted by the router issue.
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17:45:38 <flo-retina> looks like the server is back :)
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18:01:57 <clokep_work> :)
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23:11:40 <clokep> Hello.
23:12:34 <flo-retina> clokep: hey :)
23:12:46 * clokep is going to try to fix the Windows debug bustage today.
23:12:46 <flo-retina> I looked a bit at the importer patches
23:12:57 <clokep> There's certainly a lot of feedback which is still not met. :-\
23:13:04 <flo-retina> I'm not totally convinced my review comments are useful
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23:23:19 <clokep> Haha.
23:23:26 <clokep> Why's that?
23:23:40 <flo-retina> I'm seeing mostly details / nits
23:23:53 <flo-retina> and I don't have a good understanding of the whole thing in mind
23:24:10 <flo-retina> (it's been too long since I looked; it will take me a while to understand what's going on)
23:24:34 <flo-retina> I think the reason why we thought the sync I/O was acceptable is that we were poking at log files only during idle time.
23:24:40 <flo-retina> maybe that's still valid :)
23:34:44 <clokep> It'd be ebtter to use OS.File, most likel.y
23:35:02 <flo-retina> that's what I said in my coment
23:35:03 <flo-retina> *comment
23:35:22 <flo-retina> but I'm not convinced asking for a large rewrite is a good thing to do at this point; if we want to land soon
23:47:52 <flo-retina> congratulations to our new chat/ peers aleth and Mic! https://wiki.mozilla.org/Modules/Chat \o/
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23:51:37 <Mook_as> \o/