#instantbird log on 02 02 2014

All times are UTC.

00:16:50 <-- flo-retina has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.6a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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08:02:00 <instant-buildbot> build #1768 of macosx-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed shell_3]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/macosx-nightly-default/builds/1768
08:08:25 <instant-buildbot> build #1250 of win32-nightly-default is complete: Failure [4failed shell_3]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/win32-nightly-default/builds/1250
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15:16:06 topic changed by concrete.mozilla.org to "Ask about Instantbird (http://instantbird.com) here!|Current version is Instantbird 1.5! :) |News: http://blog.instantbird.org/ |Nightlies: http://nightly.instantbird.im/ (for testing only) |IRC logs: http://log.bezut.info/ |Pastebin: http://pastebin.instantbird.org/ | Bugs: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org"
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19:52:08 <flo-retina> the bot still doesn't announce review requests? :(
20:02:26 <clokep> No. :-\
20:03:07 <flo-retina> I think Ib currently takes way too much memory
20:03:18 <flo-retina> it seems to be especially true since we switched to JS prpls
20:03:43 <flo-retina> having nighlties hides the problem quite well, but now that I keep the same build for days, it's becoming obvious
20:03:49 <EionRobb> :(
20:04:15 <flo-retina> I've been thinking a bit about it today
20:04:25 <clokep> :(
20:04:35 <flo-retina> I think the only way to start improving the situation is to get automated tests that give us some numbers
20:04:44 <flo-retina> so that we can see if we regress or improve on that front
20:04:45 <clokep> OK. I think I uploaded all my stuff to bug 955009.
20:04:47 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=955009 enh, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, Ship libpurple as an add-on / allow it to be disabled in configure
20:04:50 <flo-retina> clokep: cool :)
20:05:03 <clokep> (And cleaned up the patches so Florian doesn't kill me. :P)
20:05:56 <flo-retina> my current idea is to have a script simulating receiving plenty of raw IRC messages, and then disconnect the account, close all conversation windows, and see how what remains differs from the state before
20:06:05 <clokep> flo-retina: Also, were we going to convert the tools/ stuff into purple repo?
20:06:07 <flo-retina> assuming we have no leaks, that should be pretty close
20:06:18 <flo-retina> clokep: not sure.
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20:06:44 <flo-retina> then it should be possible to add more tests giving numbers about how much memory Bubbles takes for 1000 messages
20:06:44 <clokep> That sounds like a reasonable plan.
20:06:55 * clokep wonders where the memory is.
20:06:57 <flo-retina> and add more tests like that, until we have an understanding of the situation
20:07:01 <clokep> If it's in the pruples vs. UI things.
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20:07:43 <flo-retina> clokep: I would really like to fix that LIST leak
20:07:58 <flo-retina> but I don't think it's responsible for more than 20 or so MB of the current memory usage (400MB)
20:09:43 <clokep> Yes, It's something I'd like to look at once the purple garbage is over. :-\
20:10:52 <flo-retina> clokep: my current about:memory: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/4166646
20:14:13 <clokep> flo-retina: Yeah a lot of random things in there that seem like they should be gone.
20:15:20 <flo-retina> clokep: for raw strings from the protocols, I'm always tempted to blame the debug logs
20:15:35 <flo-retina> but an automated test could clear them :)
20:15:58 <clokep> :)
20:16:17 <flo-retina> I don't think it's possible to have that many 322 replies stuck in debug logs though ;)
20:18:10 <flo-retina> maybe we could arbitrarily decide to cut debug log messages after 1000 characters
20:18:29 * flo-retina isn't sure he likes that idea
20:18:51 <clokep> :-\
20:19:04 <clokep> I feel like if we're doign debug logs we should keep the logs in their entirety.
20:19:16 <clokep> We only keep a few hundred messages, right?
20:20:17 <flo-retina> I think I have the pref set to 1000
20:20:28 * clokep has it set to 0, I think.
20:20:30 <flo-retina> but anyway, we _clear_ the log after a clean disconnect of the account
20:31:47 <clokep> True. :)
20:59:44 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird -- http://www.instantbird.com)
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