#instantbird log on 11 23 2013

All times are UTC.

00:13:38 <flo-retina> I think I've fixed the problem for the partial updates
00:14:10 <flo-retina> but if my understanding is correct, we may have similar issues with other kinds of updates :-(
00:14:22 <clokep> What's that mean?
00:15:38 <flo-retina> views in the mysql database were not view, but empty tables
00:15:54 <flo-retina> I suspect something went wrong during the mysql import of our databases
00:19:03 * flo-retina emailed a summary of his findings to Even
00:44:13 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
02:00:58 <-- Mook_as has quit (Quit: Mook_as)
03:19:45 <-- mconley has quit (Input/output error)
03:54:42 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
04:01:34 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
04:48:05 <-- mconley has quit (Ping timeout)
05:53:06 <instant-buildbot> build #1216 of macosx-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/macosx-nightly-default/builds/1216
06:02:27 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
06:04:59 <-- wnayes has quit (Quit: wnayes)
07:44:25 <instant-buildbot> build #1167 of win32-nightly-default is complete: Success [3build successful]  Build details are at http://buildbot.instantbird.org/builders/win32-nightly-default/builds/1167
07:51:08 --> jamesw has joined #instantbird
08:05:56 <-- mrphs has quit (Client exited)
08:06:03 --> mrphs has joined #instantbird
08:47:18 <-- mconley has quit (Input/output error)
09:16:32 --> qlum has joined #instantbird
09:46:43 <-- chrisccoulson has quit (Ping timeout)
09:49:19 --> chrisccoulson has joined #instantbird
09:54:43 --> dionisos has joined #instantbird
10:01:25 --> Huvik has joined #instantbird
10:01:34 <-- Huvik has quit (Quit: Huvik)
10:05:02 <-- dionisos has left #instantbird ()
10:25:53 --> igorko has joined #instantbird
10:26:22 --> aleth has joined #instantbird
10:26:22 * ChanServ sets mode +h aleth 
10:29:17 * aleth wonders if people with mailinator addresses receive comments
10:32:56 <flo-retina> no
10:33:08 <flo-retina> they may check them later though, if they remember the bug
10:33:19 <flo-retina> we should ban such addresses from bugzilla account creation :(
10:33:24 <flo-retina> aleth: good morning :)
10:33:44 <aleth> good morning :)
10:35:04 * flo-retina is burning ubuntu 13.10 64bit on a DVD
10:35:45 <aleth> For your new desktop?
10:42:48 <flo-retina> yes
10:51:16 <flo-retina> hmm, so apparently I've got "stuff" on 2 of the 3 500GB disks
10:51:21 <flo-retina> and the third isn't connected
10:52:07 <flo-retina> on one disk there's a 83GB ext4 partition + a 383GB ext3. I guess that's the current ubuntu + a data partition (/home?)
10:52:43 <flo-retina> the other disk has got a 447GB ext3 partition, and some 19GB swap space
10:54:52 <flo-retina> that 447 ext3 partition contains ubuntu AND /home, where I have a source tree of Ib1.1a1pre
10:56:22 <flo-retina> I have the folder where I worked on porting Instantbird to Mozilla2.0
10:58:58 <aleth> Archaeology...
10:59:28 <flo-retina> an old screenshot of the conv on hold stuff
10:59:55 <flo-retina> modified on Jul 16 2011
11:08:03 <flo-retina> there are indeed 3 hard disks in there
11:08:10 <flo-retina> the SATA cable of one of the 3 isn't connected
11:23:15 <-- Tonnes has quit (Connection reset by peer)
12:08:23 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org requested feedback from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3071 on bug 2115.
12:08:24 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
12:47:50 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
12:50:03 <-- mconley has quit (Ping timeout)
12:56:02 --> mpmc has joined #instantbird
13:01:13 <-- igorko has quit (Client exited)
13:24:12 --> GeKo has joined #instantbird
13:27:48 --> clokep has joined #instantbird
13:27:48 * ChanServ sets mode +o clokep 
13:29:55 --> gerard-majax_ has joined #instantbird
13:47:37 <clokep> aleth: r- ;)
13:47:58 <aleth> sure, make it better! ;)
13:48:10 <clokep> aleth: http://lxr.instantbird.org/instantbird/source/chat/protocols/irc/ircISUPPORT.jsm#91
13:48:16 <clokep> I'll look at it soon.
13:48:54 <aleth> ooh, good catch. This is what happens when you can't test...
13:49:06 <-- sabret00the has quit (Ping timeout)
13:49:16 <clokep> (And I fully expect what I just sent you to make you either 1: flip a table or 2: find a wall and start bashing your head into it.)
13:49:16 <aleth> I just thought I'd better quickly code it up as I didn't want to have to look at all that stuff /again/
13:49:31 --> sabret00the has joined #instantbird
13:49:38 <clokep> aleth: Fair enough. So I think my big "issue" with that bug is that I'm not using any of the code anywhere, so I don't know what APIs to provide.
13:50:12 <aleth> The annoying thing about the patch I sent you is that it is forced to move some normalize functions to the protocol
13:50:36 <clokep> I agree.
13:50:45 <clokep> Can we instead call a static method on the account from the protocol?
13:50:56 <clokep> So like ircAccount.normalize: foo
13:51:10 <aleth> Good idea. That would be better :)
13:51:35 <aleth> Avoids those redirecting stubs on the account.
13:51:36 <clokep> (It'll also fix the IRC issue.)
13:51:51 <clokep> The protocol would always use the "default" IRC casemapping, but I'm prefectly OK w/ that.
13:51:52 <clokep> perfectly
13:53:40 <aleth> The bugs that need that API generally have some string identifying a buddy, conversation, etc and want the normalized version of it so that when there /is/ a buddy, conversation, etc with that as its name, the two will match.
13:53:52 <aleth> OK, let me upload a patch with those changes.
13:55:29 <flo-retina> time to start the new machine :)
13:56:08 <flo-retina> wow, there's a mouse pointer in the BIOS (well, UEFI)
13:58:34 <clokep> flo-retina: Does it have a resolution > 400x600?
13:58:48 <flo-retina> you meant > 800x600 I guess?
13:59:09 <flo-retina> not sure how to know, but I would guess it's displayed in 1024*768
14:00:47 <clokep> Woo, they've made improvemets. ;)
14:01:42 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org cancelled feedback?(clokep@gmail.com) for attachment 3071 on bug 2115.
14:01:43 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org requested feedback from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3072 on bug 2115.
14:01:44 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
14:01:46 <flo-retina> I can even scroll in the options with the mouse wheel!
14:01:59 <aleth> flo-retina: Progress :)
14:02:09 * clokep hopes this is a smaller patch...
14:03:56 <aleth> Well, it's 5 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-), so pretty neutral ;)
14:08:07 <clokep> :P
14:08:38 <aleth> The nice aspect of it is that more stuff is inherited from jsProtoHelper after the changes.
14:09:09 <aleth> If "nice" is the appropriate word for anything about a bug like that...
14:10:28 <flo-retina> I wonder why the keyboard mappings aren't auto-detected yet
14:10:44 <flo-retina> typing stuff like wifi passwords before selecting the correct keyboard is so painful :(
14:11:14 <clokep> aleth: Right, I'm wonder if the IRC conversation one can just use the inherited one or not.
14:11:50 <aleth> The patch makes no changes to the behaviour as far as I can see.
14:12:14 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org cancelled feedback?(clokep@gmail.com) for attachment 3072 on bug 2115.
14:12:15 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org requested feedback from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3073 on bug 2115.
14:12:16 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
14:12:18 <-- GeKo has quit (Ping timeout)
14:12:38 <clokep> aleth: Can you name your patches differently?
14:12:38 <flo-retina> "This computer currently has Ubuntu 8.04.2 and Ubuntu 11.04 on it. What would you like to do?"
14:12:47 <clokep> It's hard to find them in the list of interdiffs if they're all "Patch"
14:12:58 <aleth> You mean, v1/2/3...?
14:13:11 <flo-retina> it surprises me that when it finds windows it wants to replace it by default; and when it finds completely outdated ubuntus, it wants to "install longside them" :-S
14:13:11 <aleth> Oh right, interdiff works now :)
14:14:22 <clokep> aleth: Yes.
14:17:44 <-- BWMerlin has quit (Quit: BWMerlin)
14:24:21 --> GeKo has joined #instantbird
14:31:32 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org cancelled feedback?(clokep@gmail.com) for attachment 3073 on bug 2115.
14:31:33 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org requested feedback from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3074 on bug 2115.
14:31:34 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
15:43:09 <-- flo-retina has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
15:43:13 --> flo-retina has joined #instantbird
15:43:13 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo-retina flo-retina 
15:43:46 * flo-retina has just updated with a partial (567kB) update! \o/
15:45:48 --> dionisos has joined #instantbird
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16:03:37 <flo-retina> an Instantbird build took 24m25s :-S
16:04:45 <flo-retina> I'll do another one to isolate the effect of my old disks (everything should be in disk cache for the second build)
16:05:12 <flo-retina> but still, this is much slower than I expected :-S
16:05:46 <flo-retina> I'll try a mozilla-central build next, to see if it's something related to the ib build system that's slow
16:06:21 <flo-retina> hmm, is there some disk indexing stuff on ubuntu that I need to disable?
16:09:01 <aleth> If you're using unity, quite possibly
16:12:58 <aleth> KDE also has indexing (nepomuk) that is best turned off
16:14:21 <-- dionisos has quit (Ping timeout)
16:15:25 <aleth> Hmm, and gnome has something called zeitgeist
16:28:06 <flo-retina> The second build took 23m25s
16:28:15 <flo-retina> just 1 minute faster
16:30:28 * flo-retina is trying a third build
16:30:44 <flo-retina> (I disabled indexing in the middle of the second one, so it's possible it was still in the way...)
16:48:27 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org cancelled feedback?(clokep@gmail.com) for attachment 3074 on bug 2115.
16:48:28 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
16:49:08 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org requested feedback from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3075 on bug 2115.
16:53:14 --> mconley has joined #instantbird
17:06:32 <-- mpmc has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.5a1pre -- http://www.instantbird.com)
17:18:57 <flo-retina> 23m9s for the third build.
17:20:21 <aleth> not much faster...
17:20:48 <aleth> Surprising, if everything was cached already
17:27:46 <flo-retina> I'm trying with clang this time
17:28:16 <flo-retina> is there anything I should hack/look at on the macbook in the meantime?
17:29:12 <aleth> not from me, unless you want to steal some reviews
17:32:44 <flo-retina> is your normalized story figured out?
17:33:16 <aleth> I think so (though a second pair of eyes is always good)
17:36:57 <flo-retina> I just looked quickly at bug 2115's patch.
17:37:09 <flo-retina> I don't see why you need all these getNormalizedFor* methods
17:37:29 <flo-retina> what's the use case exactly?
17:37:48 <aleth> You mean, rather than a single one?
17:38:20 <flo-retina> I mean, what are you actually trying to do?
17:38:25 <flo-retina> ah, clang helps a lot!
17:38:27 <aleth> The use case is having a nick or conversation name or account name and wanting to check if such a thing already exists
17:38:30 <flo-retina> 14m56s :)
17:38:46 <aleth> Or to get the normalizedname so as to use a consistent id
17:39:19 <flo-retina> so I still don't get the point
17:39:25 <flo-retina> why do you need that for account names for example?
17:39:46 <aleth> For account names, I don't have a use case
17:39:52 <flo-retina> (also, see Mic's bugs about detecting duplicate accounts)
17:40:31 <aleth> It just seemed sensible to add it for account names as well while we are at it
17:40:45 <flo-retina> bug 1511
17:40:47 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1511 nor, --, ---, benediktp, ASSI, Possible to add duplicate accounts
17:41:06 <aleth> I was really hoping they'd all use the same normalization function (per protocol) but JS-XMPP is the exception there.
17:41:26 <flo-retina> see https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/attachment.cgi?id=2092&action=diff
17:42:01 <flo-retina> IRC would be an exception too. Gtalk too.
17:42:12 <aleth> No, IRC is OK
17:42:22 <aleth> Gtalk is JS-XMPP
17:42:33 <flo-retina> well see https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/attachment.cgi?id=2092&action=diff#a/chat/protocols/irc/irc.js_sec1
17:42:59 <flo-retina> aleth: so is "foobar@gmail.com" the normalized name of an account foobar@googlemail.com?
17:43:26 <aleth> I really don't care. That's up to the protocol implementation of getNormalizedNameForAccount in my book.
17:43:46 <aleth> I suspect we're not talking about the same concern.
17:45:01 <aleth> This bug isn't trying to add anything new, apart from making all the normalizedName getters go through functions which are also callable separately.
17:45:15 <flo-retina> my concern is that if we add new APIs, they should work. And I'm not convinced the getNormalizedNameForAccount as-is is good enough for any purpose.
17:45:54 <clokep> aleth: I agree with flo-retina, we should add the APIs with the bugs they fix.
17:46:18 <flo-retina> aleth: so it looks like you are saying that you want an API to return a normalized username
17:46:25 <flo-retina> which seems reasonable, but not what the patch does
17:46:32 <aleth> Well in that case we can simply drop the getNormalizedNameForAccount from that bug.
17:47:19 <flo-retina> why are getNormalizedNameForBuddy and getNormalizedNameForConversation separate?
17:47:28 --> wnayes has joined #instantbird
17:47:29 <aleth> They don't need to be.
17:47:43 <aleth> As it turns out.
17:48:00 <aleth> I wasn't sure whether there'd be a difference in one of the protocols before I did the patch.
17:48:21 <flo-retina> so what you want is the accounts to implement a |AUTF8String getNormalizedUsername(aUsername);| method?
17:48:32 <aleth> No, it can be a MUC name too.
17:48:53 <flo-retina> how do you know?
17:49:08 <flo-retina> again, the use case isn't obvious to me :(
17:49:17 <aleth> The use case in this case is the stats service
17:50:26 <aleth> The reason it's needed is because http://lxr.instantbird.org/instantbird/source/chat/components/src/logger.js#127
17:50:59 <aleth> We don't include the normalizedName of the conversation in the header.
17:51:19 <flo-retina> should we do it?
17:51:37 <aleth> That wouldn't help with existing logs.
17:51:41 <flo-retina> I know
17:52:10 <aleth> We could do it, but there is no reason we can't use the getNormalizedName function either
17:52:10 * flo-retina wonders why a no-op build re-links libxul.so
17:52:19 <flo-retina> the file AccEvent.cpp was rebuilt too :-S
17:53:35 <flo-retina> aleth: the getNormalizedName function won't be available if the prpl no longer exists; but we may still want to index these logs later
17:53:46 <flo-retina> 1m19s for a no-op build
17:54:05 <aleth> How do you access a log for which the prpl or account no longer exists?
17:54:18 <aleth> That's a whole different can of worms
17:54:19 <flo-retina> by crawling the log folder
17:54:33 <flo-retina> and then if it's in the index, by searching the index
17:54:46 <flo-retina> hmm, a second no-op build took only 29s
17:54:50 <aleth> Shouldn't that be fixed when we come to that point then, following your rule above? ;)
17:55:21 * flo-retina hasn't made a rule above (clokep did :-P)
17:55:35 <aleth> Not that I mind including the normalizedName in the log header at all. I just see it as an additional thing
17:55:38 <clokep> flo-retina: What rule did I make? :(
17:55:41 <aleth> There is no need for an either/or here
17:55:53 <flo-retina> clokep: not introducting APIs before they are used
17:55:56 <clokep> Oh.
17:56:02 <clokep> Am I allowed to put my foot down on that? ;)
17:56:33 * flo-retina doesn't mind, and would just like to understand what's going on with this normalized stuff before everybody gets frustrated (or is everybody already frustrated?)
17:56:52 <aleth> Everybody is already frustrated ;)
17:57:11 <flo-retina> aleth: btw, including the prpl's normalized name is also very strange
17:57:11 <aleth> That's why I'd like to get it done...
17:57:17 <flo-retina> aleth: I would really prefer the prpl-id :-S
17:57:30 <aleth> flo-retina: Yes
17:57:41 <clokep> To me...I think we should include the normalized name.
17:57:55 <flo-retina> I suspect these logs got very little amount of thoughts when they were created :(
17:58:05 <flo-retina> clokep: normalized name of what?
18:00:50 <aleth> So the conclusion is to (1) include this._conv.normalizedName and the prplid in logs starting with 1.5 (this is a separate bug) and (2) in bug 2115 to only add an API with a single function for buddy and conversation names
18:00:52 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
18:00:53 <aleth> ?
18:01:35 <flo-retina> in which case do MUC make a (significant) difference here?
18:01:40 <aleth> No
18:01:57 <aleth> We can use the same function, thankfully (no current implementation makes a difference)
18:02:10 <aleth> The only difference is between accounts and the rest
18:02:10 <clokep> flo-retina: Everything. ;)
18:02:42 <aleth> So if we leave the account normalizedName as is...
18:03:35 <aleth> Btw I was surprised JS-XMPP doesn't normalize its buddy and MUC names at all.
18:03:38 * flo-retina is afraid of the day when someone will implement private msgs with XMPP MUC participants
18:04:15 <aleth> Aren't those just normal conversations?
18:04:24 <flo-retina> heh, no
18:04:27 <flo-retina> that would be too easy :)
18:04:28 <aleth> Oh, I guess they are not on the roster :(
18:04:36 <flo-retina> aleth: you don't know their JID!
18:05:06 <aleth> But you can still talk to them? black magic... :-/
18:05:22 --> jb has joined #instantbird
18:06:10 <flo-retina> so assuming I'm flo@instantbird.org/Nightly, and we are talking in the instantbird@xmpp.ib.im MUC, where I have the nick "fqueze". If you want to private msg me, my normalizedChatBuddyName will be instantbird@xmpp.ib.im/fqueze, and that's the JID you will use to send me a private message (because unless the server is configured to let you know; you can't guess that "fqueze" there == flo@instantbird.org)
18:06:48 <flo-retina> so if you make that normalized chat buddy name (instantbird@xmpp.ib.im/fqueze) go though the standard normalize function, you'll stip "/fqueze" and end up with... the MUC name!
18:07:45 <aleth> ouch
18:07:52 <flo-retina> I'm surprised you didn't know that.
18:08:01 <aleth> I've never looked much at XMPP
18:08:07 <aleth> Only used it...
18:08:11 <clokep> I purposefully avoid lookingat XMPP. :P
18:08:24 <flo-retina> because getNormalizedChatBuddyName makes no sense unless you take this case into account.
18:08:33 <aleth> I did wonder about that
18:08:42 <aleth> (so did clokep, yesterday ;) )
18:09:44 <flo-retina> does this explanation change anything about your normalized plans? :)
18:10:09 * flo-retina is in the process of killing a bunch of clang warnings in purplexpcom that have been annoying him for a while
18:10:33 <aleth> Not really... It sounds like it will be painful at some point though
18:10:53 <aleth> Right now I am not touching the current implementation of how these things are normalized
18:13:35 <aleth> I wonder if it will ever be possible to reliably tell which XMPP MUC participants are also buddies, fir example
18:14:15 <flo-retina> it's not possible
18:14:36 <flo-retina> unless the server is configured to expose the real JIDs of participants
18:19:17 <-- gerard-majax_ has quit (Ping timeout)
18:21:34 <clokep> Silly protocols. :(
18:23:22 <-- mconley has quit (Input/output error)
18:24:11 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org cancelled feedback?(clokep@gmail.com) for attachment 3075 on bug 2115.
18:24:12 <instantbot> aleth@instantbird.org requested feedback from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3076 on bug 2115.
18:24:13 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
18:24:36 <aleth> 15 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) ;)
18:25:06 <flo-retina> I've got 27 files changed, 38 insertions, 37 deletions
18:25:42 <aleth> Which patch is that?
18:26:11 <flo-retina> killing a bunch of clang warnings
18:29:57 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com granted feedback for attachment 3076 on bug 2115.
18:29:59 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2115 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Provide a way to obtain the normalizedName of a nick
18:30:12 <clokep> flo-retina: Le tme know if you need an rs fro m me.
18:30:17 <flo-retina> I do! :)
18:30:22 * flo-retina is filing a bug
18:31:46 <aleth> OK, that's my part of that bug done then, hopefully :)
18:32:45 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: Ciao)
18:33:20 <instantbot> New Core - General bug 2255 filed by florian@instantbird.org.
18:33:21 <instantbot> florian@instantbird.org requested review from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3077 on bug 2255.
18:33:22 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2255 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Add MOZ_FINAL to avoid lots of clang warnings
18:33:48 <-- jb has quit (Ping timeout)
18:36:03 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com granted review for attachment 3077 on bug 2255.
18:36:04 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2255 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Add MOZ_FINAL to avoid lots of clang warnings
18:36:26 --> jb has joined #instantbird
18:40:54 <flo-retina> I guess I'll test it on mac before pushing
18:42:19 <clokep> ;)
18:42:28 <clokep> You think I was going to do your testing for you?! :P
18:42:37 <clokep> What's the deal w/ onCommit builds btw? What do we need to fix that?
18:42:38 <flo-retina> builds fine on Mac
18:42:58 <flo-retina> not exactly sure.
18:43:25 <flo-retina> Our buildbot install is a bit broken. commits are listed on the waterfall (so we know the hg hook is fine), but no onCommit build starts
18:43:37 <flo-retina> we have had this problem on buildbot-l10n for months and Even didn't find a solution
18:44:04 <flo-retina> the other problem is that the Web-UI to start builds by hand is missing. No idea of why either...
18:44:43 <clokep> :-/
18:44:45 --> jb1 has joined #instantbird
18:44:48 <-- jb has quit (Connection reset by peer)
18:44:50 <clokep> So sounds more like "buildbot is a bit broken"?
18:45:04 <flo-retina> yeah...
18:45:21 <flo-retina> while I'm fixing warnings, maybe I should fix the last 2 purplexpcom clang warnings :)
18:45:40 <clokep> Sure!
18:45:52 * clokep starts a c-c build...
18:48:25 <-- jb1 has quit (Ping timeout)
18:48:51 --> jb has joined #instantbird
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18:52:17 --> florian has joined #instantbird
18:52:39 * florian is now known as IRCMonkey37899
18:55:56 <instantbot> New Core - Debug bug 2256 filed by florian@instantbird.org.
18:55:57 <instantbot> florian@instantbird.org requested review from clokep@gmail.com for attachment 3078 on bug 2256.
18:55:58 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2256 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Fix remaining clang warnings
18:56:04 <-- jb has quit (Ping timeout)
18:59:48 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com granted review for attachment 3078 on bug 2256.
18:59:49 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2256 nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Fix remaining clang warnings
18:59:57 * flo-retina wonders what clokep is working on in c-c
19:00:02 <flo-retina> thanks
19:00:26 <clokep> Making sure my patch still works. :)
19:00:38 <clokep> And actually creating a build since I've been unable to in a very long time.
19:03:26 <flo-retina> the last warning in our code is "purple/libpurple/purple-prefs.js: WARNING: no preprocessor directives found"
19:04:25 <flo-retina> I'm almost tempted to add a preprocessed-out comment at the top to silence the warning :-D
19:07:25 <clokep> flo-retina: Doesn't that probably mean we have a * somewhere in a manifest or whtaever?
19:07:32 <flo-retina> no
19:07:43 <flo-retina> that's what the warning intends to spot
19:07:58 <flo-retina> but default preference files are all preprocessed automatically
19:08:52 <flo-retina> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=861801 if you want the details
19:09:26 <clokep> Ah, I see.
19:09:46 <flo-retina> and that didn't really go anywhere
19:09:52 <-- mconley has quit (Input/output error)
19:10:02 <instantbot> Check-in: http://hg.instantbird.org/instantbird/rev/8a29bbb7403e - Florian Quèze - Bug 2256 - Fix remaining clang warnings, rs=clokep.
19:10:03 <instantbot> Check-in: http://hg.instantbird.org/instantbird/rev/769b8e95e228 - Florian Quèze - Bug 2255 - Add MOZ_FINAL to avoid lots of clang warnings, rs=clokep.
19:10:52 <instantbot> clokep@gmail.com set the Resolution field on bug 2255 to FIXED.
19:10:53 <instantbot> Bug https://bugzilla.instantbird.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2255 nor, --, 1.5, florian, RESO FIXED, Add MOZ_FINAL to avoid lots of clang warnings
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