All times are UTC.
00:00:04 <flo> aren't most of them in today's nightly already? 00:00:17 <clokep> So for bug 759, I think we either need to like "freeze" during most of the move or a branch, but how well does Hg handle moves? 00:00:19 <instantbot> Bug min, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Reorganize purplexpcom 00:00:21 <clokep> Oh, are they? 00:00:31 <flo> I wonder if there's a way to get the reporter of bug 1114 (more) involved with the project :-| 00:00:34 <instantbot> Bug blo, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, IB Cannot Start: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [purpleICoreService.init] 00:01:18 <flo> how long do we expect that "move" to take? 00:01:22 <flo> how do we decide we are done? 00:01:41 <flo> is it when each file is at a place that makes sense for its current content? 00:02:02 <clokep> That sounds like a good goal to me? 00:02:03 <flo> is it when libpurple is optional and Thunderbird can use chat/ without modification? 00:02:27 <clokep> :-/ I don' tknow. I just think it's better to do what we can do sooner rather than later. 00:02:36 <flo> if we are just moving files around without renaming them (and without changing their destination in omni.jar) it won't break anything 00:02:45 <clokep> Ah, true. 00:03:04 <flo> making that usable in Thunderbird is my #1 priority, because I'm errr... paid for it ;). 00:03:25 <clokep> :P 00:03:29 <clokep> Understandable. 00:04:02 <flo> + having 2/3 of our code in comm-central would be a super helpful argument to argue that Instantbird should become a Mozilla project 00:04:28 <clokep> hahah, yes. 00:04:32 <flo> (and then, we could stop wasting our time with maintaining add-on and crash-stats websites) 00:05:21 <flo> (both of their sites are unmaintainable in the current version we have installed) 00:05:49 <flo> they have both been fully rewritten using different technologies upstream, so we can't cherrypick any fix 00:06:29 <clokep> I didn't realize the crash-stats site was too. :( 00:07:07 <flo> clokep: we are "lucky" with it: the crash reporter hasn't changed, so it's still compatible with the old website :) 00:07:53 <clokep> Ah, nice. :) 00:08:32 <flo> You would certainly have heard about it if we weren't able to process crash reports ;) 00:08:58 <clokep> Right. 00:09:06 <flo> Good night 00:09:16 <-- flo has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 00:12:23 <instantbot> added attachment 948 to bug 761. 00:12:25 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, JS-Socket fails to properly handle SSL errors 00:16:55 <-- BlueMaxima has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 00:24:06 --> BlueMaxima has joined #instantbird 00:24:22 <clokep> Already 11 bugs fixed! 00:25:08 <-- EionRobb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 00:30:14 <-- Suiseiseki has quit (Ping timeout) 00:32:37 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 00:33:05 <-- BlueMaxima has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 00:34:21 <instantbot> added attachment 949 to bug 1083. 00:34:22 <instantbot> requested review from florian@instantbird .org for attachment 949 on bug 1083. 00:34:23 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, The copyright year shouldn't be localizable 00:36:26 --> BlueMaxima has joined #instantbird 00:42:05 --> Suiseiseki has joined #instantbird 01:02:19 --> billysanca has joined #instantbird 01:08:16 --> EionRobb has joined #instantbird 01:25:51 <instantbot> added attachment 950 to bug 683. 01:25:52 <instantbot> requested review from florian@instantbird .org for attachment 950 on bug 683. 01:25:54 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, Handle deleted messages on twitter 01:30:35 <clokep> So I looked at bug 1050 for...ooh Idk 5 minutes now? 01:30:38 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Take account of URL shortening in twitter character count 01:30:43 <clokep> And after reading I'm very uninterested. 01:39:16 <-- hunsly has quit (Ping timeout) 02:05:45 <-- devfil has quit (Client exited) 02:12:53 <instantbot> added attachment 951 to bug 1116. 02:12:55 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, Number of messages in a restored conversation should be limited 02:17:30 <clokep> Btw flo: If you want to start reorganizing files, don't feel bad if you bitrot all my patches. It's fine. :) 02:19:04 <clokep> billysanca: Did anyone (flo) get to your email yet about setting you up with an account for the l10n repo? 02:19:42 <billysanca> nope :( 02:21:03 <clokep> Ah, OK. He was away the past few days. I'll bug him tomorrow (although he'll read this tomorrow and see it most likely. :)) 02:25:45 <clokep> Anyway, bed time! I'll make sure he sees it. 02:35:26 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 03:34:16 <-- BlueMaxima has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 03:36:11 --> BlueMaxima has joined #instantbird 03:37:35 <-- billysanca has quit (Ping timeout) 05:52:21 --> Guido has joined #instantbird 05:53:33 <-- Guido has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 06:06:59 --> jb has joined #instantbird 07:05:08 --> MadWookiee has joined #instantbird 07:25:29 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird 08:57:18 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 08:57:18 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 09:08:42 <Mic> flo: is there. 09:11:57 --> mmkmou has joined #instantbird 09:17:16 <-- mmkmou has quit (Ping timeout) 09:21:11 <-- chrisccoulson has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) 09:26:31 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 1117 filed by 09:26:33 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, No user icons on tooltip for offline contacts 09:30:44 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 1118 filed by 09:30:46 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Selected contact list should be scrolled into view when offline contacts are shown/hidden 09:30:59 --> chrisccoulson has joined #instantbird 09:33:19 --> mmkmou has joined #instantbird 09:48:50 --> hunsly has joined #instantbird 09:55:46 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 09:59:39 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 09:59:40 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 10:00:28 <-- EionRobb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) 10:02:47 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 10:08:47 <Mic> clokep: someone asked about Steam support, how difficult would it be to tell if compiles and works for us? 10:09:41 <Mic> If you judge it might be possible I'll file a bug for it and tell the one we're looking into it? 10:12:27 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 10:12:27 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 10:18:07 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 10:18:15 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 10:18:15 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 10:18:33 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 10:18:47 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 10:18:47 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 10:20:47 <-- gerard-majax has quit (Ping timeout) 10:21:39 <clokep> Mic: I don't know how difficult it would be, the code itself seems awfully simple, but it does require a library I believe. 10:23:28 <clokep> I could try it (it shouldn't take me too long), but not until tonight. 10:23:42 <clokep> I don't have any problem opening an enhancement bug about it regardless of whether it's easy or not. 10:27:54 --> aleth has joined #instantbird 10:36:30 <-- mmkmou has quit (Ping timeout) 10:44:26 --> mmkmou has joined #instantbird 10:54:21 --> ironhead has joined #instantbird 11:00:19 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 11:02:07 <-- hunsly has quit (Connection reset by peer) 11:12:14 <instantbot> New purplexpcom - General bug 1119 filed by 11:12:18 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Add support for the Steam chat protocol 11:16:23 --> devfil has joined #instantbird 11:36:29 <Mic> Bye 11:36:32 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 11:41:32 --> flo has joined #instantbird 11:41:32 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo flo 11:43:49 <-- flo has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 11:43:59 --> flo has joined #instantbird 11:43:59 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo flo 11:51:35 --> clokep_work has joined #instantbird 11:51:35 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep_work 11:53:10 <clokep_work> Thanks Mic! :) 12:05:06 <instantbot> set the Resolution field on bug 1097 to FIXED. 12:05:07 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, 1.2, aletheia2, RESO FIXED, Tab complete is case sensitive 12:09:37 <clokep_work> The new tab complete behavior is pretty ideal I have to say. :-D 12:20:47 <flo> :) 12:20:47 <instantbot> denied review for attachment 949 on bug 1083. 12:20:49 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, The copyright year shouldn't be localizable 12:24:06 <clokep_work> So I have no idea what I was thinking when I wrote that comment. :( 12:24:35 <clokep_work> Do we need to worry about that not making sense in some languages (by forcing the copyright before the text)? 12:25:33 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 12:25:43 <flo> hmm 12:25:43 --> aleth has joined #instantbird 12:25:48 <aleth> :) 12:25:49 <flo> I thought about it, then tried to ignore it 12:25:57 <flo> but yes, we probably should worry about it 12:26:23 <flo> the good solution then is probably to put the copyright year in another entity 12:26:25 <flo> (not localizable) 12:26:57 <flo> a bit like we do for &brandShortName; 12:27:05 <clokep_work> Ah, OK. 12:27:11 <flo> although that brandShortName entity is localizable for a reason I've never understood :( 12:27:23 <clokep_work> How do you make a not localizable entity? 12:27:44 <clokep_work> With a comment saying not to localize it? :P 12:28:04 <flo> that doesn't work 12:28:15 <flo> the point is that the string should not be stored in the locale repository 12:28:20 <flo> otherwise you aren't fixing the bug ;) 12:28:42 <flo> clokep_work: you just put the .dtd file in content/ rather than locale/ ;) 12:29:06 <clokep_work> Ah-ha. :) 12:29:20 <clokep_work> Should we also do that w/ brandShortName? 12:29:45 <flo> I wonder if we can write an entity directly in 12:29:51 <flo> rather than in an external dtd file 12:29:57 <flo> that would definitely be easier 12:34:35 <instantbot> denied review for attachment 950 on bug 683. 12:34:36 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, Handle deleted messages on twitter 12:36:33 <-- GeekShadow has quit (Connection reset by peer) 12:36:49 --> Guido has joined #instantbird 12:38:28 <clokep_work> If that's possible it would be easier. 12:38:29 <flo> I wonder why Adobe thinks it's OK to put a popup in the middle of my screen to make me install a flash update 12:38:44 <clokep_work>'d that report error get in there? I thought I added that after I made the patch, oops. 12:42:01 --> GeekShadow has joined #instantbird 12:46:32 --> adev has joined #instantbird 12:46:46 <-- Guido has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 12:56:25 <-- adev has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 12:58:58 --> adev has joined #instantbird 13:03:01 --> ecaron has joined #instantbird 13:07:08 <ironhead> is it possible to filter the twitter feed based on one of the listed participants? 13:07:14 <-- adev has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 13:07:47 <ironhead> actually, in general it would be a nice feature on group chats of any kind 13:07:52 <aleth> clokep_work: If you minimise the contact window, does the tray icon context menu still appear for you? 13:08:40 <ecaron> aleth: It doesn't for me in 1.1 13:09:31 --> adev has joined #instantbird 13:09:36 <-- adev has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 13:09:53 <flo> aleth: it should. 13:10:25 <flo> ecaron: I think aleth's question was about a patch from clokep that landed yesterday and is in today's nightly ;) 13:10:37 * ecaron should know better 13:10:57 <aleth> flo: yes it should... 13:11:17 <aleth> but I doubt it's a regression. ecaron answered that I guess 13:11:34 * ecaron saves the day 13:12:04 <ecaron> instantbot: make me a sandwich 13:12:07 <instantbot> ecaron: Sorry, I've no idea what 'make me a sandwich' might be. 13:12:08 <instantbot> ecaron: What? Make it yourself. 13:12:18 <ecaron> sudo instantbot: make me a sandwich 13:13:51 <ecaron> Boo. 13:28:15 <-- clokep_work has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) 13:56:22 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 1120 filed by 13:56:25 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, Filter messages in a group chat based on participant 14:01:55 <-- devfil has quit (Client exited) 14:02:22 <-- BlueMaxima has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 14:03:35 --> GeekShad1w has joined #instantbird 14:04:11 <-- GeekShadow has quit (Client exited) 14:08:08 --> clokep_work has joined #instantbird 14:08:08 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep_work 14:09:11 <clokep_work> aleth: If that doesn't work it's not a regression. 14:09:49 <clokep_work> (At least not from my patch. :P) 14:09:53 <clokep_work> Idk if it worked in 1.0 or 1.1, etc. 14:11:33 <clokep_work> But you should file a bug about it. 14:11:35 <clokep_work> I didn't test that. 14:21:22 <FeuerFliege> ecaron: which OS are you using? 14:21:36 <ecaron> Win7x64 14:23:29 <FeuerFliege> me too. The tray icon is shown here, when the contact window is minimized. 14:24:26 <clokep_work> FeuerFliege: The question is if the context menu is visible when right clicking. 14:24:38 <flo> hmm, how come I can no longer double click a tweet to reply to it? 14:25:19 <FeuerFliege> clokep_work: works, too. 14:26:44 <clokep_work> flo: Did you swap your preference? :) 14:26:57 <clokep_work> Oh wait, is the first action used automatically? I think I put one above the "reply"? :-/ 14:27:49 <FeuerFliege> arg, context menu for twitter conversation is really broken. 14:28:13 <clokep_work> FeuerFliege: Can you expand on that / file a bug. 14:28:32 <clokep_work> flo: Check if you have a tweet URL in your clipboard. ;) 14:28:56 <clokep_work> adds that as the first item (since it made sense to me there), perhaps we should be able to choose a default in a different way than what's first? 14:31:49 <flo> clokep_work: I most likely have something in my clipboard, yes :( 14:32:14 <FeuerFliege> clokep_work: a.) you canât google a selected word. Not a big one, but the following is really strange: 14:32:14 <FeuerFliege> b.) 1) select a word in another tab (e.g. irc) 14:32:14 <FeuerFliege> 2) right click (you have now the option to google the selected word) 14:32:14 <FeuerFliege> 3) close context menu 14:32:14 <FeuerFliege> 4) go to twitter tab and right click somewhere in the stream. 14:33:39 <FeuerFliege> â you get the context menu of the IRC-channel and not the usual twitter context menu. 14:34:44 <flo> FeuerFliege: I can't reproduce that 14:35:10 <FeuerFliege> flo: Well, than i have to try it in safe-mode. brb 14:35:38 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 14:39:24 <clokep_work> flo: :( Can we add an isDefault parameter or something? 14:39:55 <flo> maybe 14:40:07 <flo> but how is it obvious from a user point of view which action is the default then? 14:40:20 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 14:41:30 <FeuerFliege> flo: cannot reproduce in safe-mode. I will try to find the bad add-on. 14:42:05 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 14:42:47 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 14:44:02 <flo> the link to is on planet mozilla today. Maybe it's a good time to edit it? Not sure if we should ask Lukas beforehand 14:44:26 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 14:44:54 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 14:46:08 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 14:46:16 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 14:47:43 <FeuerFliege> i found the âadd-onâ that breaks twitter context menu 14:47:55 <FeuerFliege> it is the german language pack 14:47:58 <FeuerFliege> :( 14:48:32 <FeuerFliege> but how? 14:48:57 <flo> missing strings 14:49:37 <flo> the script updating the en-US repository is currently broken 14:50:09 <flo> at least and added strings which aren't visible in the en-US repository 14:52:00 <FeuerFliege> ah, ok. I checked the en-US yesterday evening and didnât saw any change since the release. 14:54:34 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 14:55:53 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 1121 filed by 14:55:56 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, No longer possible to double click a tweet to reply to it 15:02:25 --> myk has joined #instantbird 15:04:08 <-- myk has quit (Ping timeout) 15:04:21 <flo> we have someone using a nightly who seems to be crashing consistently at shutdown: 15:05:28 <flo> it's obviously bug 1017 15:05:31 <instantbot> Bug cri, --, ---, florian, ASSI, Shutdown crash [@ purple_blist_node_set_ui_data ] 15:05:58 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 15:13:21 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 15:13:36 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 1122 filed by 15:13:38 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, No context menu on tray icon when contacts window is minimized 15:15:04 <flo> hmm, do you think it will take us less time to reach bug 10000 (when starting to count from bug 1000) than it took us to reach bug 1000? :-D 15:15:07 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, 1.1, florian, RESO FIXED, Minimize user interruptions 15:15:25 --> devfil has joined #instantbird 15:40:41 --> timA has joined #instantbird 15:46:32 <clokep_work> flo: That's my crashes. 15:47:22 <flo> maybe you want to fix the bug then? ;) 15:47:46 <clokep_work> Well, only one is me actually. 15:48:02 <clokep_work> Maybe. :) I can look at it later. 15:48:17 <flo> it may just disappear after splitting core vs libpurple 15:48:33 <flo> as it's related to the order we (un)initialize libpurple vs the list of contacts 15:48:44 <clokep_work> Ah, I see. 15:51:47 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 16:10:52 --> myk has joined #instantbird 16:28:47 <-- jst has left #instantbird (Leaving) 16:36:18 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird 16:36:25 <-- igorko has quit (Connection reset by peer) 16:36:38 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 16:44:36 <-- igorko has quit (Connection reset by peer) 16:44:46 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 16:53:06 * GeekShad1w is now known as GeekShadow 16:54:22 <flo> clokep_work: hmm, shouldn't we avoid that "core" folder, and just put "components" and "modules" directly in chat/ ? 16:56:28 <-- ironhead has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) 17:03:11 --> igorko1 has joined #instantbird 17:04:04 <-- igorko has quit (Ping timeout) 17:06:52 <clokep_work> Hmmm....I don't really see any reason for it, essentially the entire "chat" folder is the core. 17:08:11 <flo> ok, no more core folder (I've typed it only in a dozen command lines or so, and I already hate it :-D) 17:09:13 <clokep_work> Hahaha, good. 17:10:05 <flo> I wonder how difficult it would be to add a json logger, and make it "coexist" with the current plain text logger. 17:10:49 <flo> so that the log viewer would list both .txt and .json logs (but not if we have both for the exact same log maybe?), but would use the info in the json files to display real conversation views 17:11:30 <-- igorko1 has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 17:11:44 <flo> i'll need machine parsable logs sooner rather than later, so that Thunderbird's gloda can index them 17:11:58 <flo> (and if that works well, I guess we will just integrate gloda for the next version of Instantbird :)) 17:12:33 <clokep_work> As long as you're not suggesting adding mbox to Instantbird. ;) 17:12:39 <flo> lol 17:12:58 <flo> maybe keep that proposal for April 1st? 17:13:10 <clokep_work> :) 17:13:19 <flo> I wanna read my logs with mork :-P 17:14:12 <flo> potential concern with the JSON format: we will have a parse error if the file doesn't finish correctly 17:15:23 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 17:16:05 <clokep_work> Yes. :-/ That would be an issue. 17:16:18 <clokep_work> Would it still be split among multiple files? 17:16:32 <clokep_work> (Reduces your chance of corruption then.) 17:17:00 <-- igorko has quit (Connection reset by peer) 17:17:25 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 17:19:13 <-- igorko has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 17:19:16 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 17:20:35 <flo> uh, I've just read today's IRC log. I'm sorry about the not-yet-created l10n account :'( 17:20:52 <clokep_work> Bah, I'm sorry I forgot to remind you. :( 17:23:19 <flo> the reason I haven't created it right away is that I wasn't sure of which libpurple strings we wanted to convert/import in there 17:24:57 <clokep_work> 2.10.0 vs. 3.0.0? 17:25:22 <flo> vs the mess we made with sametime/libqq ;) 17:25:40 <clokep_work> Hey now, sametime wasn't a mess...libqq...well yes. 17:26:10 <flo> if I just run the convert script against the current code, it may include the new QQ strings... which won't be in the en-US version :-X 17:27:21 <flo> hmm, well, no, the new strings can't be already translated in upstream libpurple as these files aren't there. We will rather have no file at all in the converted version. Which isn't nessarily better (I would rather have the 2.9.* file) 17:28:07 <-- gmoro_ has quit (Ping timeout) 17:28:56 --> gmoro_ has joined #instantbird 17:33:51 <flo> hmm, can we append a ] at the end of each write to the JSON log, and overwrite it the next time we write a message into the log? 17:35:33 <-- MadWookiee has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 17:35:43 <flo> that, or do it in a format that is similar to the twitter stream: JSON messages separated with \r characters 17:36:04 <-- gmoro_ has quit (Ping timeout) 17:39:46 <flo> it's not clear to me if imWindows should stay in instantbird/ (and be renamed to ibConversations) or be moved to core/ 17:44:28 <clokep_work> They probably refer to Instantbird windows... 17:47:03 <clokep_work> (So I would think instantbird/) 17:47:07 <clokep_work> Is it core/ or chat/? :P 17:48:49 <flo> chat, sorry 17:51:01 <flo> all contractids contain "instantbird" :-/ (";1") 17:51:36 --> gmoro_ has joined #instantbird 17:53:26 <-- gmoro_ has quit (Ping timeout) 17:54:36 --> gmoro_ has joined #instantbird 17:56:11 <clokep_work> You could probably change them, would extension use those at all? 17:56:42 <flo> anything using Components.classes needs them 17:57:44 <clokep_work> Break the world and call it 2.0? :-/ 17:57:52 <flo> yeah 17:58:00 <flo> without any new feature, we could as well call it 11 :) 17:58:20 <clokep_work> JS IRC & XMPP! 17:58:25 <clokep_work> Should we rename jsProtoHelper btw? 17:58:25 <flo> "cleanup, we removed the dot in the version number that wasn't used for anything" 17:58:31 <clokep_work> To like imJSProtoHelper? 17:58:38 <-- gmoro_ has quit (Ping timeout) 17:58:49 <clokep_work> OH? i thought it was just a piece of dust on my screen anyway. ;) 17:58:58 <flo> you can drop the "js" I guess :) 17:59:22 <clokep_work> I guess the .jsm extension implies it's JavaScript? 17:59:25 <aleth> but once you have turned it up to 11, where is there left to go? ;) 17:59:47 <flo> aleth: â :) 18:00:07 <clokep_work> Ah-ha. 18:02:17 --> adev has joined #instantbird 18:08:12 --> gmoro_ has joined #instantbird 18:11:24 * aleth loves nickservkiller 18:12:26 <aleth> Is there some about:config entry to disable version checking of add-ons? 18:13:04 <aleth> (i.e IB version) 18:13:17 <flo> yes 18:13:31 <flo> but I can never remember which one, so you'll have to google for it :-/ 18:14:02 <flo> the only binding in instantbird/content that seems reusable is convbrowser.xml 18:14:07 <flo> I thought we had a lot more :-/ 18:15:27 <-- flo has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 18:16:48 <clokep_work> aleth: It should be extensions.checkCompatibility.1.2a = false 18:16:57 <clokep_work> You might be able to do extensions.checkCompatibility.nightly = false. 18:16:57 <adev> you know, the participant list doesn't look too bad with non-bold font either 18:17:12 <adev> or is this due to the particular system font here 18:17:16 <adev> clokep_work: thanks 18:19:26 <-- adev has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 18:23:16 <clokep_work> flo: Not even like the contact binding or anything? I mean it's all "reusable" depending how closely another application wants to match things. 18:24:32 --> timA1 has joined #instantbird 18:25:05 <-- timA has quit (Ping timeout) 18:25:34 * timA1 is now known as timA 18:29:15 --> flo has joined #instantbird 18:29:16 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo flo 18:30:14 <-- ecaron has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 18:32:50 --> ecaron has joined #instantbird 18:36:25 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 18:50:19 <-- mmkmou has quit (Client exited) 19:06:43 --> aleth has joined #instantbird 19:14:04 <-- devfil has quit (Ping timeout) 19:29:40 --> FeuerFliege has joined #instantbird 19:29:57 --> devfil has joined #instantbird 19:33:03 <flo> clokep_work: well, the contact binding is linked quite directly with the group binding and the buddy binding. 19:33:16 <flo> so to reuse them you have to have the same behavior, with the same drag&drop actions, ... 19:35:22 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 19:35:22 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 19:35:30 <Mic> Hi 19:36:09 <Mic> Yes, I also ran into the problem with JSON files being corrupt after crashes and the sort 19:36:34 <-- chrisccoulson has quit (Ping timeout) 19:37:48 --> EionRobb has joined #instantbird 19:37:59 <Mic> Writing several logs should be easy but what about reading them? Does it make sense to specify the type of log that you'd like to receive? 19:44:58 <flo> how does this sound for a first move? 19:46:15 <flo> of course, if this looks good, then I've a lot of buildsystem hacking to do ;) 19:48:58 <flo> Mic: mabe we can just add a type attribute in indicating the mime type of the log? 19:49:59 <clokep_work> I was wondering what you'd do with the overrides! :) 19:50:14 <flo> clokep_work: put them in a lonely corner :-P 19:50:55 <-- FeuerFliege has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 19:50:56 <Mic> So we'd have a logger component that forwards all log writes to all components in our Logger category and fetches log reads from the one that has the correct mime type 19:51:18 <flo> clokep_work: I'm not sure about the chat/themes/prpl folder, maybe I should just have put these 3 icons directly in themes/ 19:51:33 <flo> or maybe in themes/icons/, for consistency with protocols/name/icons/ 19:51:48 <flo> hmm, I forgot to move the facebook/gtalk icons 19:51:49 <Mic> flo, clokep_work: what is the meaning of the exclamation marks/question marks ? 19:52:10 <clokep_work> Overall it seems OK. Wll look closer later. 19:52:49 <flo> Mic: ! -> removed, ? -> new file 19:53:00 <flo> (these are all file moves anyway, I've just not run hg addremove yet) 19:54:03 <flo> Mic: isn't it easier to do everything in the existing component? 19:54:04 <Mic> Ah! Seems I'm a bit slow :D 19:54:56 <-- gerard-majax has quit (Ping timeout) 19:56:09 <Mic> I'm not sure what you have in mind for the logger exactly... in case of doubt your solution is most likely better ;) 19:56:17 --> gerard-majax has joined #instantbird 19:56:59 <flo> Mic: what I have in mind is "getting something that works ASAP with minimal code changes" 19:57:42 <flo> where "works" means: 1. no regression compared to the current system 2. Machine parsable. 3. Old logs are still viewable as well (or as poorly) as currently 19:59:24 * timA is now known as timA|mtg 19:59:46 <flo> Mic: if you have something that mostly works already, it could be nice to attach it somewhere ;) 20:03:02 <Mic> I only changed the log writing to JSON (trying to make the file contain an array of purpleIMessages). If the application crashes, the closing bracket is missing since I'm inserting the commas between the items and the opening/closing brackets manually, not during JSONification (great word :D) 20:03:10 <Mic> It doesn't read logs yet. 20:03:36 <flo> ok 20:03:44 <Mic> Even without pretty-printing the output, the logs are ten times as big as the old ones. :( 20:03:46 <flo> so what about just using \r characters instead of the commas? 20:03:58 <flo> can you pastebin an example? 20:04:09 <Mic> I don't have it on this computer, sorry. 20:04:11 <flo> and the code writing the JSON? :) 20:04:29 <flo> what's making the logs that big? 20:04:43 <flo> (tomorrow or even next week is ok for the pastebins :)) 20:05:00 <flo> I've still a lot of work to do on the separate libpurple thing ;). 20:05:55 <Mic> Let me try something .. 20:07:29 <-- gerard-majax has quit (Ping timeout) 20:07:34 <flo> maybe you are logging lots of useless things? 20:08:01 <flo> we definitely don't want to log all the attributes, only those that have a non default value :) 20:08:37 <flo> and originalMessage is what's really the message, the .message property may have been messed up by add-ons/text modifiers/whatever 20:09:50 <Mic> I'm not filtering anything yet. 20:10:04 <flo> so don't worry about the size then :) 20:10:06 <Mic> So yes, lot's of useless things in there 20:10:42 <flo> I'm a bit concerned that it won't be possible any more to grep log files if we move to JSON by default 20:11:16 <flo> but maybe if we ensure that the first fields logged for each line are the timestamp, the author and the message text, it will still be OK to grep 20:17:29 <Mic> I need to go, good night 20:17:39 <flo> Mic: Good night :) 20:18:18 <Mic> I'll pastebin the component (it's ugly, you've been warned;) and the output before next week 20:18:30 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 20:22:25 * timA|mtg is now known as timA 20:22:48 <-- igorko has quit (Ping timeout) 20:24:26 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 20:25:33 --> adev has joined #instantbird 20:27:24 <-- clokep_work has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) 20:27:25 <aleth> flo: any thoughts on the non-bold text in ? 20:28:04 <flo> I think I would prefer something in between that and the bold version 20:28:09 <flo> what do you think about it? 20:28:19 <flo> maybe we can get something nice with a text shadow? :) 20:28:43 <aleth> I just tried it because you mentioned the bold text yesterday, and it made me realise how unusual that was 20:28:57 <aleth> I quite like it; not completely sure which I prefer as it may depend on the font 20:30:52 <aleth> Do you have an example for the kind of shadow you are thinking of? (My associations are with horrible faux 3d styling and I doubt you mean that) 20:32:05 --> mmkmou has joined #instantbird 20:36:06 <-- adev has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 20:38:05 <flo> not really. Just something that would make the font a little bolder without tripling the width of each line 20:39:22 --> chrisccoulson has joined #instantbird 20:39:22 <aleth> I don't know of anything in between bold and normal :( those are separate fonts. Ok demi-bold exists but hardly for system fonts ;) 20:45:25 --> adev has joined #instantbird 20:45:55 <aleth> I will try setting only active participants to bold 20:46:45 <flo> hmm, we don't have a single screenshot of the mac nicklist on the website :( 20:47:35 <flo> aleth: 20:47:54 <flo> there's a shadow on the labels of the nicklist and on the tab titles 20:47:58 <flo> (on mac it's a white shadow) 20:48:41 <aleth> Thanks! 20:48:51 <aleth> Here's the active-only-in-bold 20:49:27 <flo> added benefit: there's a different even for color blind users 20:49:38 <flo> *difference 20:50:04 <-- jb has quit (Ping timeout) 20:50:11 <aleth> you mean with the bold/normal combo? 20:51:00 <flo> yes 20:51:19 <aleth> It looks surprisingly good at first glance 20:51:34 <aleth> (imho) 20:52:28 <aleth> I will try the white "embossed effect" shadow, but that would require setting the background color to something non-white on all OS 20:52:29 <flo> ship it? ;) 20:53:00 <flo> (that was in reply to "It looks surprisingly good") 20:53:20 <aleth> OK... it's good to have a second pair of eyes first :) 20:53:47 <aleth> btw what do you think of (the experimental) status icon substitute on that screenshot? 20:54:08 <-- adev has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 20:54:37 <flo> for an addon? :) 20:54:59 <flo> (I'm not a fan of it, sorry :() 20:54:59 <aleth> yes 20:55:11 <aleth> though actually I don't like it yet either 20:55:21 <aleth> hence experimental 20:55:23 <flo> what about showing the active count instead of the total? 20:55:39 <flo> so that it actually brings additional info compared to the participants count which is already displayed? 20:56:10 <aleth> My original idea was to make it clickable to toggle the sidebar, then it wouldn't be duplicate 20:56:35 <aleth> But that's another idea to try 20:56:43 <flo> it should be closed to that sidebar for that 20:56:50 <aleth> Yes :( 20:57:05 <aleth> That's one of the main reasons why I don't like it yet 20:57:17 <flo> put it on the other side, with a width equivalent to what the sidebar will have if you open it 20:57:45 <flo> and display "3 / 45" (<active count> / <total>) maybe? 20:57:59 <flo> and a tooltip explaining the meaning when hovering it 20:58:47 <aleth> That might work 20:59:04 <aleth> Though there is already the chat-type icon over there which one should keep 20:59:22 <aleth> It would have to look good together... 20:59:25 <flo> it's the IRC icon 20:59:40 <flo> it can (should?) be changed 21:00:07 <aleth> But should it be changed to a participant count? 21:00:13 <flo> no 21:00:27 <aleth> That's what I thought too 21:00:33 <flo> changed to reflect "IRC" rather than "oh, 2 bubbles" 21:01:18 <aleth> not easy to come up with, unless one does the MSN thing (multiple heads) I guess 21:03:59 --> hunsly has joined #instantbird 21:04:59 <flo> Good night :) 21:05:01 <-- flo has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 21:06:02 --> instantbirduser-frk has joined #instantbird 21:07:10 <instantbirduser-frk> hey everyone 21:07:19 <instantbirduser-frk> just testing out instantbird 21:07:49 <instantbirduser-frk> anyone having difficulty with facebook caht? 21:07:52 <instantbirduser-frk> er... chat? 21:08:57 <aleth> I don't use FB myself, but I think there is an answer to the most common issues in the FAQ 21:09:03 <aleth> 21:09:35 <instantbirduser-frk> got it -- thanks 21:12:36 <-- myk has quit (Ping timeout) 21:12:48 <instantbirduser-frk> As the program is portable, i put together a quickie review over at portablefreeware 21:13:03 <instantbirduser-frk> if anyone is interested 21:13:03 <instantbirduser-frk> 21:13:04 <aleth> sounds great! 21:13:14 <instantbirduser-frk> :) 21:13:27 <aleth> I am sure the feedback will be appreciated 21:16:15 <aleth> What do you mean with "message noise"? 21:18:21 <instantbirduser-frk> yeah i'll fix that 21:18:30 <instantbirduser-frk> what i meant was the notification sound when you get a msg 21:18:39 <aleth> You can turn off sound in the Preferences (and I think more fine-grained controls are in the works, possibly as an add-on, I don't know exactly) 21:19:44 <instantbirduser-frk> there's a sound controls alpha plugin 21:19:45 <instantbirduser-frk> 21:19:52 <instantbirduser-frk> *shrug 21:22:48 <instantbirduser-frk> I've been using Miranda IM to this point but much preferring instantbird 21:23:06 <aleth> :) 21:23:22 <instantbirduser-frk> so (if the devs read this at some point) hope my my comments don't come across as too critical 21:23:27 --> myk has joined #instantbird 21:23:56 <aleth> The devs read the logs of this channel, so they will probably see it ;) 21:24:02 <instantbirduser-frk> very cool 21:24:05 --> sabo has joined #instantbird 21:24:30 <aleth> Actually I may be wrong but afaik all the things you mention as 'cons' are on the radar in some form or another 21:24:40 <instantbirduser-frk> sweet 21:24:53 <aleth> at least if I understand correctly... 21:25:24 <aleth> Though if someone would volunteer to write OTR or GPG plugins I am sure that would be much appreciated ;) 21:25:40 <-- igorko has quit (Ping timeout) 21:26:04 <-- sabo has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client) 21:26:08 <instantbirduser-frk> nothing on the roadmap but those topics are pretty big and most of my stuff is minor 21:26:52 <aleth> I don't know how complete that is, there are lots of things discussed in bugzilla too 21:27:13 <instantbirduser-frk> oh ok 21:27:13 <instantbirduser-frk> yea 21:28:19 --> igorko has joined #instantbird 21:28:26 <-- mmkmou has quit (Ping timeout) 21:28:57 --> mmkmou has joined #instantbird 21:41:25 <-- mmkmou has quit (Ping timeout) 21:55:19 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 21:55:19 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 21:59:35 <-- igorko has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 21:59:37 --> mmkmou has joined #instantbird 22:04:53 <-- myk has quit (Ping timeout) 22:07:24 <-- ecaron has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 22:10:06 <clokep> instantbirduser-frk: Yeah the message sound isn't ideal, we'd like to have "sounds themes" at some point, but hasn't been looked at it. 22:10:15 <clokep> Please don't blame us for Facebook's crappy user experience though! 22:10:42 <clokep> The add-ons site is integrated the same way Mozilla's is, there's some issues with searching, but it's integrated. 22:10:52 <clokep> (Tools > Add-ons) 22:11:36 <clokep> It's possible to make an OTR plug-in, but no one has yet. Do people really use GPG for chat? (o_O) 22:11:59 <clokep> (And 43.4 MB of RAM really is nothing for most fairly up to date systems.) 22:12:25 <clokep> But thanks for the feedback. 22:19:16 <-- instantbirduser-frk has quit (Ping timeout) 22:22:40 --> billysanca has joined #instantbird 22:23:39 <-- timA has left #instantbird () 22:25:14 --> instantbirduser-frk has joined #instantbird 22:26:01 <instantbirduser-frk> Back... sorry if i missed something since your last msg 22:26:23 <instantbirduser-frk> the integrated add-ons item in Mozilla allows you to surf their add ons all in one window 22:26:31 <instantbirduser-frk> instantbird gives you a web address 22:26:36 <-- billysanca has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 22:26:42 <instantbirduser-frk> as to GPG: no, nobody uses GPG 22:26:44 --> billysanca has joined #instantbird 22:26:46 <clokep> By "Mozilla" do you mean "Firefox"? 22:26:55 <instantbirduser-frk> its a bad suggestion 22:26:56 <clokep> I'm pretty sure we have the same user experience as Thunderbird though. 22:26:57 <instantbirduser-frk> yeah 22:27:14 <clokep> Ah, but you /can/ install extensions from the add-ons UI by searching. It could definitely use a little work though. :( 22:27:30 <instantbirduser-frk> i think they *just recently* integrated it into thunderbird 22:27:34 <clokep> Ah, good to know that no one uses GPG. :) That would warp my mind a bit. 22:27:51 <instantbirduser-frk> i know some serious paranoid security types 22:27:58 <aleth> Yes, that would be eccentric 22:27:59 <instantbirduser-frk> and none of them ever use GPG/PGP 22:28:20 <clokep> Ah, they must have added it recently...although I don't install new add-ons all that often in Thunderbird. :) 22:28:21 <instantbirduser-frk> yeah but its open source, reasonably well accepted, and high security 22:28:29 <instantbirduser-frk> SOMEone would use it *shrug* 22:28:30 <clokep> We should probably pop it up in a window though. 22:28:36 <instantbirduser-frk> *nods 22:28:56 <clokep> OTR is good, unfortunately a lot of people don't understand what security it actually provides and what it doesn't. :-/ 22:29:14 <instantbirduser-frk> OTR is great tho ... its integrated by default with Adium, works easily with Pidgin users, and is simple but high security 22:29:19 <clokep> (And you need the other end point to also use it, usually meaning explaing to less tech savvy people how ot set it up. :P) 22:29:35 <instantbirduser-frk> Adium handles it pretty well 22:29:52 <instantbirduser-frk> its just a pop up window that asks "user wants to have a private convo" or something similar and you just say yes or no 22:30:06 <instantbirduser-frk> Pidgin is a little more complex 22:31:24 <clokep> Mmhmm. :) 22:31:31 <clokep> Definitely want it to be simple! 22:31:36 <instantbirduser-frk> anyway it would go with the program goals of "just working" as well as user privacy 22:31:47 <clokep> I'm glad you noticed that we use SSL by default though, a lot of people seem to gloss over that. 22:31:56 <instantbirduser-frk> cheers 22:32:53 <instantbirduser-frk> yeah ever since that facebook password hack, everyone cares about that kind of stuff now 22:33:06 <-- aleth has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 22:33:06 <instantbirduser-frk> the one integrated into firefox 22:33:12 --> aleth has joined #instantbird 22:33:45 <-- devfil has quit (Client exited) 22:34:20 --> myk has joined #instantbird 22:35:28 <instantbirduser-frk> there's some interest (and therefore potentially some code) out there to integrate OTR with Firefox 22:35:30 <instantbirduser-frk> 22:35:35 <instantbirduser-frk> for web-based chats 22:36:18 <instantbirduser-frk> but i'm aware there's probably a long list of other higher priority additions your team is interested in working on 22:36:38 <clokep> You mean the firesheep stuff? 22:36:46 <instantbirduser-frk> i just know the chat services are all mining their users for consumer data and it would be nice to cut them out of that 22:37:05 <clokep> We recently added the hooks so it could be done easily, so someone could definitley make an extension to do it. 22:37:15 <instantbirduser-frk> yea 22:37:20 <clokep> You "know" this? How? I have never heard that. 22:37:21 <instantbirduser-frk> cool 22:37:48 <instantbirduser-frk> I'll dig up some links 22:38:07 <clokep> Is there actually a link in there to an extension or just people interested in it? 22:38:08 <instantbirduser-frk> but IM networks aren't cheap to run and they've got to make money somehow 22:38:20 <clokep> Ah I see you said just interest, never mind. :) 22:38:28 <instantbirduser-frk> knowing what people are exchanging and selling that to advertisers / marketing types is one way to make back the money 22:40:57 <clokep> I understand the concepts. :P I've just never heard the claim that they're actually using the data. 22:41:07 <clokep> I mean it would make sense. Just never seen articles, etc. about it. 22:42:01 <clokep> Anyway thanks for the feedback, but I need to go make dinner. :) 22:43:15 <instantbirduser-frk> well, most of the articles talk about google's overall services -- not just instant messaging 22:43:18 <instantbirduser-frk> but for example: 22:43:23 <instantbirduser-frk> 22:43:39 <instantbirduser-frk> the more information they can get about an individual, the more specific they can be with online searches and targeted ads, which is most of their business 22:43:44 <clokep> Ah, yeah. Well if you want privacy, don't use Google or Facebook. 22:44:02 <instantbirduser-frk> well, that's the thing: i have little doubt yahoo and aol sell the information in the same way 22:44:15 <aleth> Use XMPP :) 22:44:24 <instantbirduser-frk> its one of the reasons many hosting services offer XMPP servers 22:44:26 <instantbirduser-frk> hehe yea 22:45:34 <instantbirduser-frk> but tools like OTR will allow you to enjoy the speed and reliability of Google's servers without having to give them any actual data 22:45:49 <instantbirduser-frk> and if they're easy enough (and instantbird is super easy) then a lot more people will use them 22:47:57 <instantbirduser-frk> there's an "Ordering Pizza" thing that I'm fond of that sort of explains why companies knowing all your data and preferences is good for them and not you: 22:49:18 <-- chrisccoulson has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) 22:50:42 <instantbirduser-frk> did some digging -- here's an article about IM services and privacy 22:50:47 <instantbirduser-frk> As you might expect, Facebook is the worst about it 22:51:50 <aleth> lol facebook 22:52:02 <instantbirduser-frk> hehehe 22:52:06 <aleth> yeah... 22:54:08 <-- clokep has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 23:02:24 <-- mmkmou has quit (Ping timeout) 23:07:06 <-- myk has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 23:09:38 <-- micahg has quit (Connection reset by peer) 23:10:01 --> micahg_ has joined #instantbird 23:19:09 <instantbirduser-frk> anyway, i'm off -- thanks for the responses aleth and clokep 23:19:19 <-- instantbirduser-frk has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.1) 23:29:48 <-- billysanca has quit (Quit: Instantbird 1.2a1pre) 23:29:56 --> billysanca has joined #instantbird 23:56:54 <-- micahg_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) 23:56:58 --> micahg__ has joined #instantbird