All times are UTC.
00:00:07 <Mic> No 00:00:11 <The_Tick> like ab in os x, the thunderbird one or evolution one on linux, outlook on windows? 00:00:23 <The_Tick> might be neat 00:00:32 <clokep> Yup, we have a bug for it too! :-D 00:00:43 <Mic> I'm going to work on adapting Firefox Sync for Ib after christmas 00:01:08 <Mic> Flo talked to someone from Tb and they came up with the idea to use cross-application syncing for syncing such stuff 00:01:13 <The_Tick> file transfers took a while to get preferences right in adium 00:02:09 <clokep> Yes, file transfer scare me. I'm not really sure the plan for that though. 00:02:33 <The_Tick> I think it's a pretty simple collection of calls to make to libpurple to hook in 00:02:34 <Mic> One idea is to ditch the native support by the protocols and use a file sharing service instead 00:02:41 <The_Tick> that's horrible 00:02:52 <The_Tick> you make it incompatible with all other clients 00:03:44 <Mic> (that's just one idea and nothing is decided of course) 00:03:46 <clokep> If it just sends a link to all clients (including IB)? How is that incompatible? 00:03:47 <The_Tick> sure 00:04:01 <The_Tick> clokep: for instance if I send a file to someone who is at work 00:04:23 <clokep> Your work firewall would let a connection through to transfer a file anyway? Mine wouldn't. 00:04:35 <The_Tick> in a restrictive proxy 00:04:45 <The_Tick> and can't get to your file hosting server at all 00:05:03 <The_Tick> most people in that scenario have it figured out with other clients 00:05:09 <The_Tick> but then you add a new twist 00:06:21 <clokep> Perhaps. 00:06:28 <clokep> Idk libpurples file transfer never worked for me. 00:07:47 <The_Tick> so why not fix that instead of making it worse for everyone? :) 00:08:42 <clokep> It's so hard to even consider working libpurple, it's hard to check out the code, hard to get started, the community doesn't seem friendly to new people, etc. 00:09:03 <The_Tick> have you guys even just hung out in #pidgin? 00:09:10 <The_Tick> because that's counter to what I've seen 00:09:11 <clokep> No. I'm too busy too. 00:09:33 <The_Tick> so why use libpurple if you hate it? 00:09:50 <clokep> I don't hate it. 00:10:06 <clokep> I have nothing against it, just saying I'm not currently able to contribute to it. 00:10:13 <clokep> It took me long enough to learn Mozilla's system. :) 00:10:18 <The_Tick> using existing ft classes do not require interaction with their community :) 00:10:32 <The_Tick> man, all you do is make a trac id 00:10:35 <The_Tick> and file tickets 00:10:49 <The_Tick> except there's not as many fields as in mozilla's clusterfuck of a ticket system 00:11:07 <Mic> No Trac vs Bugzilla discussion, ok? ;) 00:11:17 <clokep> I've never found a bug to file for Pidgin. 00:11:26 <The_Tick> then I don't see the problem 00:11:30 <Mic> I'm to busy to engage in flamewars right now ;) 00:11:41 <The_Tick> Mic: I'll crush it if it starts 00:11:58 <clokep> I'm really not sure what we're discussing anymore, what are you trying to ask me? 00:12:05 <The_Tick> I'm not asking 00:12:13 <The_Tick> I'm saying that not using the file transfer baked into libpurple 00:12:17 <The_Tick> sucks 00:12:54 <clokep> OK. 00:12:56 <Mic> There's one answer that can be given to many of these question / points: lack of man power 00:13:03 <The_Tick> Mic: heh 00:13:08 <clokep> I have no idea what flo's plans are for file transfer. :) 00:13:11 <The_Tick> Mic: I've had 2 people working on growl for 4 years 00:13:13 <The_Tick> understood :) 00:13:13 <Mic> You can't do everything at once if there's one main developer and only a few contributors 00:13:38 <The_Tick> Mic: exactly 00:13:47 <The_Tick> I guess my point about the adapter thing 00:13:54 <The_Tick> is, is it really necessary? 00:14:10 <The_Tick> or like, advanced sound choices 00:14:56 <Mic> I guess it's something like that: 00:15:37 <Mic> if you don't want have releases with long time in between, you need to pick some main parts and add some (wanted) fillers 00:15:58 <The_Tick> right 00:15:59 <Mic> It took ages to get to 0.2 and 0.3 shouldn't take that much time by far 00:16:16 <The_Tick> to me if it's only one main person 00:16:22 <The_Tick> then it should be one major item per release and that's it 00:16:38 <Mic> That's meta contacts for 0.3 00:16:39 <The_Tick> other stuff gets added later tht's less important 00:16:53 <The_Tick> so once meta contacts are done, you ship .3, and that's it is how I'd do things 00:16:57 <The_Tick> if it were my project 00:19:17 <clokep> I think the plan is to do Twitter, release 0.3a1, then meta-contacts after that AFAIK for the next release. 00:19:29 <The_Tick> that's not what Mic said :) 00:19:43 <clokep> Mic said meta-contacts for 0.3. 00:20:01 <The_Tick> wait, .3a1 is before .3? 00:20:06 <clokep> Yes. 00:20:09 <clokep> 0.3 alpha 1. 00:20:09 <The_Tick> versions suck 00:20:10 <Mic> Sure, 0.3 alpha 1 00:20:18 <clokep> Yes, but it's just a number. ;) 00:20:23 <The_Tick> ok, why would you release an alpha without all major features in it? :) 00:20:41 <clokep> Beta's are for all major features. ;) 00:20:55 <clokep> Although that's my policy. Idk what our policy is... 00:24:05 <Mic> Maybe we should really make the FT Api scriptable 00:24:41 <Mic> Someone (haha..) could make an extension to expose it to the users then 00:25:00 <The_Tick> and then you could script a third party website to host downloads for that user :) 00:25:15 <clokep> I hope "someone" doesn't mean me. :P I hate making UI. 00:25:41 * Mic adds "which wouldn't be official and therefore wouldn't fall back on the main project if it wasn't that awesome?" ;) 00:26:09 <Mic> Maybe I should work on my attitude.. 00:27:05 <Mic> Maybe we could tie it into the download manager? 00:27:22 <clokep> Code reuse, awesome. 00:27:25 <Mic> That's something people know... 00:28:04 <Mic> Adding a link in the conversation that people could "Save as.." ? 00:28:28 <Mic> Not sure if this is good UI, though ;) 00:28:41 <Mic> but it would definitely be web-like 00:28:55 <clokep> Mmhmm. 00:28:55 <The_Tick> if it fails automatically do the ft website thing 00:29:00 <The_Tick> might be a good idea 00:29:10 <The_Tick> that way you get the best route no matter which way it goes 00:29:29 <Mic> No, the incoming File transfer would be shown as a link with description what happens there, no annoying popups and such 00:29:51 <Mic> People click it and see the standard download UI from Firefox 00:30:32 <The_Tick> right 00:30:33 <The_Tick> exactly 00:30:39 * Mic likes this idea :) 00:30:41 <The_Tick> that's what I mean, hooked into the standard ui 00:31:04 <Mic> They'd even get the download manager to check what was downloaded to which folders and when :) 00:31:28 <clokep> It's like that discussion we had about a Facebook protocol Mic. ;) 00:31:48 <Mic> About everything being cool and awesome and how it should be? 00:31:56 <Mic> Totally being the idea-guys? :D 00:32:07 <clokep> :P 00:32:13 <clokep> I meant native, falling back to XMPP. 00:32:17 <clokep> But yes, something like that. 00:32:18 <Mic> Oh, that 00:33:41 <Mic> bug 9 00:33:45 <instantbot> Bug enh, P5, ---, florian, NEW, Support of file transfers 00:34:33 <clokep> I was about to say "That must be the only bug I'm not CCed on!" 00:34:36 <clokep> But I'm CCed on it. 00:41:00 <Mic> You got bug spam ;) 00:42:00 <clokep> Bah yes I do. 00:42:03 <clokep> Good ideas. 00:42:22 <clokep> purplexpcom scares me, not sure you've worked on it at all? 00:42:55 <Mic> No, I haven't. I haven't even touched the smallest bit of C code so far 00:43:14 <clokep> That's smart of you. :) 00:43:16 <Mic> Ah, did it look like I volunteered for this? 00:43:25 <clokep> Haha no. Just curious. 00:43:31 <Mic> phew ;) 00:43:43 <clokep> That happened to me the other day... 00:43:45 <Mic> I guess flo would be glad to help.. 00:44:17 <clokep> Speaking of making things scriptable...the list of chat rooms too. 00:44:32 <Mic> Isn't that scriptable yet? 00:44:44 <clokep> I don't think so. 00:46:18 <Mic> That would be added to the jsProtoHelper if it is? 00:47:13 <clokep> It'd have to be scriptable first. 00:47:26 <clokep> The XPCOM code would have to be changed a bit. 00:47:28 <Mic> That's what I meant 00:47:36 <clokep> Yeah, not part of jsProtoHelper though. 00:47:58 <Mic> well, whatever 00:48:13 <Mic> Very cool btw: 00:48:19 <clokep> Yes. :) 00:49:48 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 00:51:39 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 00:51:39 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 00:51:48 <-- Mic has quit (Connection reset by peer) 00:52:13 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 00:52:13 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 00:54:17 <Mic> re 00:54:40 <clokep> You didn't miss much. 00:57:42 * clokep thinks we should have a nice button that says "register with nickserv" 00:58:31 <Mic> Or sign-up/create account for other protocols? 00:58:58 <clokep> That'd be snazzy but we'd probably have to reverse engineer a ton of web forms. 00:59:35 <Mic> No idea, maybe there's something in libpurple already? 01:00:38 <clokep> Perhaps. 01:04:15 --> rikki1 has joined #instantbird 01:04:56 <-- rikki has quit (Connection reset by peer) 01:11:11 * clokep just joined chatzilla, hopefully no one in there kills me for saying their code is old. 01:11:12 <-- Mic has quit (Connection reset by peer) 01:11:19 <clokep> #chatzilla rather. 01:12:11 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 01:12:11 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 01:15:35 <clokep> The_Tick: I'll hang out in #pidgin per your request. 01:15:43 <clokep> ;) 01:15:51 <clokep> (Although I'm rather busy right now, but in general.) 01:18:41 <The_Tick> sure, just get a feel for those guys 01:18:47 <The_Tick> to be honest if I'm using a tech 01:18:53 <The_Tick> I try to get to know the people who work on it 01:19:45 <clokep> I think you've gotten the wrong feel though, I never worked on anything with libpurple. flo built all that. I only started working on stuff within the past year. 01:30:48 <Mic> clokep: if you have something usable for js-irc, I'd really like to try it. 01:31:22 <Mic> (if not I might need to update my repository;) 01:31:42 <clokep> Mic: It's usable, right now it's set up that any conversation accepts commands as opposed to text. 01:31:50 <clokep> So if that is "usable" to you, then go ahead and try. :) 01:32:06 <clokep> I.e. it loads up and I type JOIN #instantbird or whatever. 01:32:13 <clokep> Oh. 01:32:25 <clokep> I need to add a massive "try catch" block around some code too. 01:32:31 <clokep> So it doesnt' crash when stuff goes down. 01:33:21 <Mic> Put one around the switch statement, just to make it the longest try-catch ever ;) 01:33:37 <Mic> (although I'm not so sure about that) 01:33:38 <clokep> That was my plan. :) 01:33:42 <Mic> lol 01:34:03 <clokep> I should probably start using it actually...need to eat my own dogfood...? 01:36:11 * clokep currently has scrolling vertical tabs...that's a lot of conversations. 01:36:56 --> rikki has joined #instantbird 01:37:05 <-- rikki1 has quit (Connection reset by peer) 01:38:38 * auscompgeek is now known as zz_auscompgeek 01:45:15 <-- Mic has quit (Connection reset by peer) 01:57:08 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 01:57:08 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 02:00:54 <clokep> Mic: I can give you a set of code that works, or would you rather I just tell you what changeset to pull from hg? :) 02:01:27 <Mic> changeset is fine 02:01:48 <clokep> OK. Random things might not work. 02:02:04 --> clokep_js has joined #instantbird 02:02:14 <clokep> Like the entire build, great. 02:03:38 <-- clokep_js has left #instantbird () 02:08:12 <clokep> Mic: tip should work. 02:08:26 <Mic> Ok, thanks 02:08:30 <Mic> will try tomorrow 02:09:16 <clokep> OK. 02:12:07 <instantbot> denied review for attachment 425 on bug 519. 02:12:10 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, NEW, Extend jsProtoHelper to implement purpleIConvChat 02:15:50 <Mic> great, Jimmy Wales has been replaced by the respective german guy 02:16:21 <Mic> That will do until next week ;) 02:24:00 --> jamesklyne has joined #instantbird 02:24:12 <jamesklyne> hi!! 02:24:37 <clokep> Hello. 02:27:10 <clokep> How's it going? 02:27:36 <jamesklyne> good. trying out instantbird 02:27:50 <clokep> What do you think so far? 02:27:59 <jamesklyne> on linuxmint 10 (ubuntu 10.10 based distro) 02:28:16 <jamesklyne> i like it! Especially the bubble chat. 02:29:21 <jamesklyne> Much prettier than X-Chat. 02:29:25 <clokep> Glad you're enjoying it. 02:29:33 <clokep> Ah, couldn't say. I've never used it. 02:35:16 <-- chrisccoulson has quit (Connection reset by peer) 02:35:19 <clokep> Anything you'd like changed about it? 02:37:19 <Mic> Good night 02:37:36 <clokep> 'night. 02:37:58 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 02:40:33 <jamesklyne> One sec, I'll show you my problem I am having 02:42:40 <clokep> OK. :) Ping me when you do. I'm going to step away for a second. 02:43:48 <jamesklyne> 02:44:42 <clokep> OK. What am I looking at. :) 02:44:49 <jamesklyne> This is a screenshot of instantbird running normal 02:44:55 <jamesklyne> 02:44:59 <clokep> Right, what's the problem. 02:45:49 <jamesklyne> the second one is when i click to resize the window. 02:46:58 <jamesklyne> I also cannot follow links by clicking them or through right clicking 02:47:23 <clokep> Are you running 0.2 or 0.3a1pre? Are there any errors in the error console? 02:47:28 <clokep> (Tools > Error console) 02:47:39 <jamesklyne> version 0.2 (20100712005411) 02:49:08 <jamesklyne> 02:50:08 <jamesklyne> Hmm, well I don't have chrome so that might be something. Gonna check the settigns. 02:50:24 <clokep> Chrome? 02:50:29 <clokep> It shouldn't have anything to do w/ it. 02:50:50 <clokep> "chrome" just refers to the user-interface components of an application. 02:51:05 <clokep> It hasn't found an external protocol apparently. 02:51:20 <clokep> Try checking tools > Options > Applications. 02:51:38 <clokep> Maybe hicham or micahg would know? They're linux users I believe... 02:54:36 <jamesklyne> Yes, I went under there and set "http" and "https" to /usr/lib/firefox-3.6.13/firefox-bin 02:54:52 <jamesklyne> Now it opens up firefox :) 02:54:57 <micahg> jamesklyne: that's prone to failure, you should use /usr/bin/firefox 02:55:06 <jamesklyne> Roger. 02:55:17 <jamesklyne> good call, esp if I update 02:55:19 <micahg> next security update would break it again 02:57:58 <clokep> :) 02:58:31 <hicham> did you set a default webbrowser ? 02:58:31 <micahg> jamesklyne: we might be missing a patch, feel free to file a bug on launchpad for ubuntu 02:58:49 <jamesklyne> Yes, /usr/bin/firefox 02:59:24 * hicham is rebuilding instantbird-0.2 against xulrunner- 03:01:04 <jamesklyne> I got some updates to pull so I'll try that real quick. 03:02:47 <micahg> hicham: if that fixes it let me know, I can rebuild against it (but will have to fix it so that's not a constant requirement) 03:04:07 --> hicham1 has joined #instantbird 03:04:33 <hicham> I don't have problems with links 03:04:37 <jamesklyne> micahg: Do you think that is what is causing my graphic glitch? 03:04:47 <hicham> jamesklyne: you said you can't resize the window ? 03:05:53 <micahg> I don't see a graphics glitch 03:05:56 <jamesklyne> hicham: I can resize, but the bubbles become shaded and I get a background color for the channel. Also, separators show up between new messages in a bubble 03:07:13 <jamesklyne> hicham: Only while the left mouse button is clicked and held does the shading and separator bars appear. 03:08:02 <hicham1> jamesklyne : do you use compiz ? 03:08:16 <jamesklyne> 03:08:18 <jamesklyne> 03:08:19 <jamesklyne> yes 03:08:48 <hicham1> jamesklyne : 03:09:57 <jamesklyne> hicham1: So my first screen shot is how it is supposed to look then. 03:10:08 <hicham1> jamesklyne : can you retry without compiz ? 03:10:41 <hicham> clokep: is there some addon that provides tab completion ? 03:11:02 <hicham> jamesklyne: btw, are you on 32bits ? 03:11:29 <clokep> hicham: Not tab completion, but there's one that you can double click people's names. 03:11:52 <jamesklyne> hicham: 64, gonna try turning off compiz 03:12:32 <jamesklyne> hicham: I actually like the second screenshot, when I hold down left click to resize, that looks cool. 03:16:06 <hicham> jamesklyne: so it is not an issue anymore ? 03:16:18 <hicham> clokep: what is its name ? 03:16:51 <clokep> hicham: Reply to Nick: 03:16:53 <jamesklyne> hicham: I'm letting some updates finish. Then gonna turn off compiz 03:17:30 <hicham> jamesklyne: the grey background is probably an effect from compiz resize plugin 03:18:13 --> Mook has joined #instantbird 03:19:13 <-- hicham1 has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.2) 03:20:03 --> hicham1 has joined #instantbird 03:21:24 <hicham1> clokep : nice addon 03:21:48 <clokep> It's OK. I want real tab completion. 03:21:58 <jamesklyne> hicham: Still does it without compiz 03:22:38 <jamesklyne> hicham: Nevermind, compiz settings didn't stick. 03:22:55 <jamesklyne> hicham: reverted back to enabled. 03:22:57 <micahg> what are the plans for instantbird re xul 2.0 03:23:08 <hicham1> clokep: it is problematic I think 03:23:16 <clokep> micahg: Instantbird nightlies already use mozilla-2.0 03:23:29 <micahg> clokep: is there a release planned before March? 03:23:29 <clokep> hicham1: One day! :) 03:23:50 <clokep> micahg: Why March? :) I think flo hopes to release 0.3a1 before then... 03:24:03 <hicham> micahg: I use it without issues against xulrunner-2.0b7 03:24:24 <-- hicham1 has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.2) 03:24:28 <micahg> clokep: Natty beta :) I need to have the xulrunner rdepends transitioned by then 03:24:40 <micahg> hicham: that's good to know, maybe I should just switch it now :) 03:24:59 <micahg> hicham: are you on trunk or 0.2? 03:25:31 <hicham> micahg: I use 0.2 on Fedora 14, and 0.3a1 on rawhide 03:25:47 <micahg> hicham: both with 2.0b7? 03:26:24 <hicham> micahg: no, Fedora 14 has, and rawhide has 2.0b7 03:26:42 <micahg> hicham: ah, ok, cool 03:29:15 <micahg> hicham: are you the Fedora maintainer? 03:29:21 <-- jamesklyne has quit (Client exited) 03:29:37 <hicham> micahg: not yet, the review is stuck on the bundled purple 03:30:33 <micahg> hicham: ah, ok, same problem with getting it in Squeeze, in Ubuntu we've swallowed bundled libs for other things 03:31:46 --> jamesklyne has joined #instantbird 03:32:11 <jamesklyne> Oh boy, my computer didn't like me disabling compiz. 03:32:34 <hicham> micahg: given the security record of libpurple, the board doesn't seem to like the idea of shipping an application bundling it 03:33:15 <micahg> hicham: I would have to agree with that :), I think I forgot about the need to patch that :-/ 03:33:41 <jamesklyne> Computer became unstable and crashed. 03:33:45 <micahg> hicham: do you know if there's any work happening on using system libpurple? 03:34:22 <hicham> micahg: flo told me that it is impossible for him 03:34:48 <micahg> hicham: they actually modify libpurple? 03:34:57 <hicham> micahg : the vanilla purple does stuff that he doesn't want to 03:35:07 <hicham> micahg: yes, quite significantly 03:35:46 <micahg> hicham: maybe we can get the pidgin devs to have some type of toggles for unwanted features? 03:36:05 <hicham> micahg: you can see it that way : libpurple does things the gtk way, instantbird wants to do things the mozilla way 03:36:24 <hicham> micahg: flo mailed them, but they seems to not care about his offer 03:36:45 <hicham> micahg: IMHO, purplexpcom should be upstream libpurple 03:36:59 <micahg> hicham: ah, so we need a way to abstract the rending for content so there can be like QTpurple, GTKpurple, XPCOMpurple 03:37:01 <hicham> *in upstream libpurple 03:37:18 <Mook> there's also some crazy gettext thing? 03:37:30 <hicham> micahg: somewhat, yes 03:37:40 <hicham> micahg: libpurple is deeply tied into pidgin 03:38:15 <hicham> Mook : yes, since mozilla localization system is different from gettext 03:38:43 <hicham> Mook: though there are some tools like po2prop 03:41:37 <micahg> hicham: ok, so is there any hope? 03:42:00 <hicham> micahg: there is always hope 03:43:18 <hicham> micahg: we need to negotiate with both sides :) 03:43:47 <micahg> hicham: let me know if I can help :) 03:43:59 <micahg> also, what does instantbird do about pidgin CVEs? 03:44:19 <hicham> micahg: flo says he can backport these 03:44:39 <hicham> micahg: though 0.2's latest commit is quite old 03:45:00 <hicham> micahg: he is currently very busy with jsprotocols 03:45:04 <micahg> well, if they can be backported and released in a timely manner, I think that would work for Ubuntu, but not the other distros 03:47:24 <hicham> I wish that too 03:47:31 <micahg> can I help with the purple security backports? 03:48:38 <hicham> you can ask flo when he is here 03:48:43 <micahg> ok 03:48:59 <hicham> latest 0.2 commit is *5 months* old 03:49:21 <clokep> There hasn't been any work on it since it was released. 03:49:21 <hicham> 0.2 uses libpurple-2.6.5, I don't know if it is vulnerable 03:50:02 <hicham> clokep: yes, since no bug was filed against it 03:50:25 <clokep> Guess there's no bugs in it. :) 03:50:38 <micahg> hicham: yes, at least 2 CVEs for pidgin 2.6.5, don't know if the custom version would be vulnerable 03:50:41 <hicham> clokep: we are talking about libpurple CVEs :) 03:51:02 <clokep> OK. 03:53:44 <hicham> micahg: I have some ideas for using system's libpurple, but they would require some work 04:00:48 <jamesklyne> Can I use "/skin/classic/instantbird/messages/bubbles/" inside of "classic.jar" to modify the appearance of the bubbles theme? 04:00:48 <jamesklyne> I want to modify the chat bubbles to have a shaded background like compiz applies when the window is resized. I seems like the right place. 04:05:22 <micahg> hicham: ok, let me know if I can help 04:05:37 <clokep> jamesklyne: Yes you could do that. 04:05:52 <hicham> micahg: ok, thanks 04:06:15 <clokep> jamesklyne: Idk too much about message themes, but there's info on the wiki. 04:11:59 <-- hicham has quit (Client exited) 04:14:39 <-- Mook has quit (Ping timeout) 04:29:38 --> Mook has joined #instantbird 04:33:26 <-- micahg has quit (Ping timeout) 04:53:07 <-- jamesklyne has left #instantbird () 04:56:51 --> jamesklyne has joined #instantbird 04:57:54 <-- jamesklyne has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.2) 04:57:57 --> jamesklyne has joined #instantbird 04:59:04 <-- jamesklyne has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.2) 05:00:18 --> jamesklyne has joined #instantbird 05:00:27 <-- jamesklyne has left #instantbird () 05:07:59 --> tymerkaev_away has joined #instantbird 05:19:19 * clokep is now known as clokep_js 05:26:21 --> micahg has joined #instantbird 05:35:47 <-- clokep_js has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 05:51:28 --> Ornthalas has joined #instantbird 05:53:18 <-- DGMurdockIII has quit (Quit: get satisfied! :: ««« (Gamers.IRC) »»» ::) 06:20:38 <-- Ornthalas has quit (Quit: KTHXBYE) 06:30:49 <-- tymerkaev_away has quit (Client exited) 07:03:45 --> flo has joined #instantbird 07:03:46 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo flo 07:04:02 <instantbot> Check-in: - Florian Quèze - Fix the 'Check for updates' menu item on Mac (regression from bug 622). 07:04:02 <flo> Good morning :) 07:30:13 <-- micahg has quit (Ping timeout) 07:33:58 --> micahg has joined #instantbird 08:05:19 --> tymerkaev_away has joined #instantbird 08:05:24 <-- tymerkaev_away has quit (Quit: I must go. Good bye!) 08:05:41 --> tymerkaev has joined #instantbird 08:17:34 <-- micahg has quit (Ping timeout) 08:34:26 --> Even has joined #instantbird 08:34:26 * ChanServ sets mode +o Even 08:45:55 <instantbot> denied review for attachment 426 on bug 495. 08:45:59 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, purpleIAccount cannot access preferences via JavaScript protocol 09:07:32 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 09:07:32 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 09:07:45 <Mic> hello 09:09:31 <flo> hi :) 09:09:59 <flo> I've just noticed I've 2 old patches from you with review requests still pending. Sorry about that :( 09:10:56 * flo is going through his list of starred emails from bugzilla 09:20:49 --> mepine has joined #instantbird 09:23:53 <-- mepine has quit (Quit: é¨ç·£ä¹) 09:26:53 <Mic> Is the theme selection patch among them? 09:27:01 <Mic> Or have you denied review for this already? ;) 09:27:25 <flo> comment 2 in bug 364 is almost an r- review comment, so there's only bug 463 where I really should have provided some useful comment 09:27:32 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, benediktp, NEW, Show in the Themes preference pane which theme are disabled 09:27:33 <instantbot> Bug min, --, ---, benediktp, ASSI, Theme dropdowns allow selecting of item with no content 09:29:00 <Mic> Will look at it once I've finished my work here (ie after christmas) 09:30:14 <Mic> Would you r- them? They'll show up in my list of rejected review's then and serve as reminder that there's something to do here 09:30:59 <flo> both? 09:31:04 <Mic> Yes 09:31:30 <flo> I haven't really looked at the patch in bug 463, but I have a feeling that it's a Mozilla bug we should try to understand and fix. 09:31:34 <instantbot> Bug min, --, ---, benediktp, ASSI, Theme dropdowns allow selecting of item with no content 09:32:13 <Mic> Haven't I added a bug number in BMO there? 09:32:18 <Mic> I think I found something on this 09:32:21 <instantbot> denied review for attachment 393 on bug 364. 09:32:25 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, benediktp, NEW, Show in the Themes preference pane which theme are disabled 09:33:06 <Mic> Yes, is there. Not sure why I'm suggesting a work around here? 09:33:54 <flo> probably because there's no clear patch in view for the mozilla bug :( 09:34:14 <Mic> Should this go to the list of bugs affecting us on BMO? 09:34:26 <flo> hmm, good idea :) 09:35:34 <instantbot> denied review for attachment 336 on bug 463. 09:35:36 <instantbot> Bug min, --, ---, benediktp, ASSI, Theme dropdowns allow selecting of item with no content 09:37:07 <flo> done. (I also added a link to our bug in the see also field) 09:38:35 <Mic> Wasn't it there already? I check before the review-change and it was there already 09:39:25 <Mic> Well, doesn't really matter 09:39:31 <Mook> for going through reviews, can be very useful :) (I see that there's none left!) 09:41:30 <flo> Mook: actually, I was going though bugzilla comment that I had starred as needing a reply from me 09:41:38 <Mook> ah 09:41:41 <flo> and using the requests page, I found I had 2 old review 09:41:41 <flo> s 09:42:22 <flo> Mic: it was there in the other way (= the see also field of our bug was filed, but not the see also field of the mozilla bug) 09:42:49 <Mic> Ah, you added it on BMO? I misunderstood you then. 09:43:21 <flo> that's ok :) 09:43:46 <flo> ok, enough time spent on bugzilla for this morning 09:44:15 <flo> ah, I still wanted to look at the screenshot linked to here yesterday evening :) 09:44:26 <flo> I read the text from the phone, but haven't seen the screenshots/mockups 09:44:41 <Mic> Mook: the searches are extremely useful once you know how to make this huge page of fields and options do what you want ;) 09:44:59 <Mook> heh, yes. 09:45:13 <Mook> oddly, you can't search for "what do I have to review" :) 09:46:36 <flo> it's so easy to under estimate the time it takes to review patches :-S 09:46:37 <Mic> Really? 09:46:52 <Mic> I think you could always look for "requestee:<username>" ? 09:47:24 <flo> there's the "My requests" link in the footer to do just that 09:47:51 <Mook> yeah, that links to requests.cgi 09:47:53 <flo> but that doesn't really say what you should review if you sometimes request more information and then wait in the bug without denying the review right now 09:48:04 <Mook> as for review times: yeah; I've spent whole work days reviewing one patch :| 09:51:43 <flo> negative reviews take a lot of time 09:52:21 <flo> by the way, a great way to "force" me to do something is to submit a crappy patch doing something vaguely similar to the really wanted thing. 09:52:32 <Mook> haha 09:52:56 <flo> giving a helpful review comment in that case forces me to think about what's the correct way to do it, and then... it's almost done, I'm ready to write the code :( 09:54:19 <flo> as far as I know, it was abused (= it lead me to write a patch for something I didn't care at all; I'm not claiming it was an intentional abuse from the patch author) only once. 09:56:46 <flo> I hope I'll have an opportunity to talk with The_Tick soon :). 09:58:42 <flo> I'd like to discuss his mockups and I would be interested in hearing about his experiences when upstreaming things to libpurple (as he sees not being able to upstream JS protocol plugins as in issue, I suspect we have had quite different experiences). 10:03:54 --> rikki1 has joined #instantbird 10:04:19 <-- rikki has quit (Connection reset by peer) 10:07:29 <Mic> Mook: in my eyes the menubar looks strange in your later screenshots (only spanning part of the window's width). What about moving the menu to an application button like on Fx 4 when in single-window mode (ie with your add-on)? 10:08:00 <Mook> yeah, that's just a side effect of embedding the buddy list window 10:08:10 <Mook> I need to go kill and and put it at the top, I thnk 10:08:42 <Mook> hmm, a button could work, yes 10:11:44 <Mic> Bug 603 has some pieces of CSS and XUL attached. I only copied and pasted it from Firefox. It doesn't do more than drawing in the titlebar and showing a fancy button, though. (see screenshot: 10:11:47 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Instantbird Button 10:14:10 <Mic> I think I missed some (JS?) pieces, as it's not possible to move the window by grabbing the titlebar. 10:16:29 <Mook> hmm, you mention trillian. that's the blue thing in ? 10:16:51 <Mic> No, give me a minute 10:17:12 <Mic> 10:18:01 <Mook> ah, okay 10:19:06 <Mic> I don't know what's hiding in there, there are no screenshots of an open menu anywhere 10:21:54 <Mic> clokep: there's no error when clicking a buddy notification so I can't easily fix this without having a closer look 10:22:30 <Mook> quick mockup, yet to remove the old bar: 10:22:31 <Mic> Needs to wait then 10:23:21 <Mic> Do you want to transform the buddy list menu to make sure you have everything that's in there? 10:24:37 <Mook> yep, I stuck it in via the overlay in an evil way. 10:25:43 <Mook> it just looks for an element of matching id; it doesn't care what sort of element it is :D 10:26:06 <Mic> ok... 10:31:09 <Mic> I don't know yet what would be good to have in the application menu, that's why there's no suggestion on the bug yet 10:31:51 <Mic> One idea is to put the stuff from the misnomed File menu directly there, maybe adding an item to open the account manager as well and keeping the Tools and Help menu as submenus 10:33:12 <Mic> So you can reach the day-to-day actions (adding buddies, opening chats, connecting services) directly from this menu and everything else is just one level deeper, not cluttering a menu bar anymore 10:44:17 <Mook> is missing the double click on title bar to maximize behaviour 10:44:25 <Mook> ( ) 10:44:57 <Mook> the impl is... a little different from firefox's impl 10:47:51 <flo> by the way, I forgot to mention that I got xAuth permissions on my twitter key, provided I don't include it in the source code (and they reluctantly accepted that I include a non-xAuth enabled key in the source code if really needed) 10:49:02 <Mic> :) 10:49:25 <Mic> You're building it into a binary component then? 10:52:59 --> sabret00the has joined #instantbird 11:08:12 <Mic> Mook: does moving the window by dragging the titlebar work for you? 11:08:18 <Mic> Nice, btw 11:08:29 <Mook> yes 11:08:42 <Mic> hmm, hmm 11:08:49 <Mook> <titlebar> ftw 11:08:52 <Mic> Good to know, then I just messed something up 11:08:59 <Mic> Oh, didn't I use that? 11:09:06 <Mook> nah; I hacked up the xul to do things right 11:09:17 <Mic> :) 11:09:20 <Mook> the guys whole wrote the titlebar binding... somehow didn't know about it 11:09:31 <Mook> s/whole/who/ 11:10:02 <Mook> (the important part here being that the window move is done in C++, rather than faked in JS) 11:12:26 <-- Even has quit (Connection reset by peer) 11:12:49 --> Even has joined #instantbird 11:12:50 * ChanServ sets mode +o Even 11:13:06 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 632 filed by 11:13:08 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, UNCO, Menu Review 11:21:01 * Mook sighs 11:21:17 <Mook> they use chromemargin= for hiding the normal title bar 11:21:35 <Mook> which isn't css, which means I can't check -moz-windows-compositor 11:21:37 <Mook> argh! 11:24:12 <-- Mook has quit (Quit: zzz) 11:24:20 <-- Even has quit (Connection reset by peer) 11:25:41 --> Even has joined #instantbird 11:25:42 * ChanServ sets mode +o Even 11:34:33 --> Even1 has joined #instantbird 11:35:52 <-- Even has quit (Ping timeout) 11:46:15 <-- flo has quit (Input/output error) 11:54:23 --> flo has joined #instantbird 11:54:24 * ChanServ sets mode +qo flo flo 12:22:36 --> chrisccoulson has joined #instantbird 12:25:39 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 12:46:46 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 12:46:46 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 12:48:58 --> hicham has joined #instantbird 12:54:50 <instantbot> New Instantbird (UI) bug 633 filed by 12:54:52 <instantbot> Bug enh, --, ---, nobody, NEW, Creating accounts for different IM services from within Instantbird 12:57:12 <hicham> nice idea 13:00:00 <Mic> It might be difficult if libpurple doesn't have that builtin already 13:01:16 <flo> Mic: I agree with the commenters that say that a "$20.00 a year" button on the first dialog is aggressive 13:01:28 <flo> on the post ( you linked to in the bug 13:05:24 <Mic> Yes, that's not a good first impression 13:11:18 <Mic> flo: do you know if official clients of some other IM networks offer to sign up in their UI? 13:11:47 <flo> not sure 13:12:06 <flo> but I think the sign up and download process are often mixed together 13:12:31 <-- hicham has quit (Ping timeout) 13:19:54 --> hicham has joined #instantbird 13:20:57 <Mic> What about Twitter? 13:21:37 <Mic> Most likely an unnecessary question.. 13:23:24 --> Even has joined #instantbird 13:23:24 * ChanServ sets mode +o Even 13:24:08 <-- Even1 has quit (Ping timeout) 13:27:30 <-- hicham has quit (Ping timeout) 13:29:16 --> Even1 has joined #instantbird 13:30:53 <-- Even has quit (Ping timeout) 13:34:25 <flo> Mic: you mean, the protocol on which we have to send the user to the webpage to login? :) 13:34:40 --> hicham has joined #instantbird 13:41:34 <Mic> Now it's even that? :( 13:44:21 <flo> if you don't have an xAuth enabled key, you need to login on the webpage 13:44:43 <flo> well, if the application doesn't have an xAuth enabled key. 13:47:53 <Mic> So it's going to be ok for the official builds but not for own/custom/distribution builds 13:49:59 <Mic> Nevermind, discussing that now is no good use of neither your nor my time 13:58:45 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 13:58:45 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 14:04:23 --> micahg has joined #instantbird 14:10:37 <-- micahg has quit (Ping timeout) 14:12:55 --> Ornthalas has joined #instantbird 14:18:16 <Mic> hi clokep 14:19:41 <clokep> Hey Mic. 14:25:04 <clokep> Congrats on the xAuth key flo. :) 14:26:47 <hicham> you have the key now ? 14:28:12 <flo> I still need to do something useful with it ;) 14:28:31 <flo> by the way, I'll be "mostly offline" during the whole week-end 14:29:04 <flo> (moving things around in my grandparents' house again... for the last time I think/hope) 14:32:09 <clokep> So much bug mail... 14:32:47 <flo> and IRC backlog ;) 14:34:16 <clokep> Yes, well finished that already. 14:36:20 <clokep> I like the other way of doing preferences...unfortunately I was going for the "I want this to f'ing work right now approach" which means copying APIs instead of thinking about them. :) 14:36:58 <flo> I've done that too in the past 14:37:10 <flo> it takes more time short term, and a lot more long term. 14:37:35 <clokep> So right now in my code I have a hugeeee switch statement. 14:38:05 <clokep> I was thinking of making a Parser object where each of those are functions and calling parse[command].call(<the account>, params) 14:38:14 <clokep> Would that be more acceptable since you had switch statements? ;) 14:38:50 <flo> I wouldn't r- the switch statement. 14:39:10 <flo> but that seems better to me (better isolation of the variables, it's extensible, you can't forget a "break", ...) 14:41:27 <flo> clokep: by the way, the API I suggested doesn't necessarily take more time if we keep the interfaces (in the .idl files) and the UI code the same for now. We can just hide the crap in jsProtoHelper for now. 14:42:17 <clokep> I like that it's extensible (i.e. if we wanted to say this server only supports the original RFC you could somehow to do that). 14:42:31 <clokep> And the definitely going to be hidden in jsProtoHelper for now. 14:43:07 <flo> I can take some time later today to help you rewrite that part if you need help there ;) 14:43:30 <clokep> Maybe. 14:43:36 <clokep> Might not have time until tomorrow to do it. 14:43:45 <clokep> I'd vote that you use your time on Twitter or something though. :) 14:43:52 <flo> I would prefer to finish and push the changes that are almost finished first though :) 14:44:37 <flo> I've a stupid 8 pages report to write, so some easy JS may be a good procrastination opportunity ;) 14:46:02 <clokep> Haha. I have a lab report to write tonight as well. 14:51:40 <instantbot> added attachment 427 to bug 519. 14:51:41 <instantbot> requested review from florian@instantbird .org for attachment 427 on bug 519. 14:51:45 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, NEW, Extend jsProtoHelper to implement purpleIConvChat 14:51:54 <clokep> Well in the mean time you can review that. :) 14:54:04 <flo> I found another good procrastination :-P 14:54:18 <flo> (some important and boring paperwork...) 14:58:52 <clokep> Ah. 14:59:25 <flo> you have checked that my suggestion works this time? :) 14:59:38 <clokep> Yes. :) 14:59:43 <flo> :) 14:59:53 <clokep> I had to fix about 15 other typos that I had added to my ircProtocol.js though. 15:03:56 * flo doesn't feel responsible for the typos :) 15:05:03 <clokep> Hah. 15:11:31 <instantbot> added attachment 428 to bug 473. 15:11:32 <instantbot> requested review from florian@instantbird .org for attachment 428 on bug 473. 15:11:34 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, nobody, NEW, JS Logger line breaks don't play well on Windows 15:12:28 <clokep> Sorry for the bugspam. :P 15:19:54 --> rikki has joined #instantbird 15:20:01 <flo> the problem with clearing the old "todo" reviews and comments, is that the same day there are as many to review again ;) 15:20:17 <-- rikki1 has quit (Connection reset by peer) 15:21:07 <clokep> Well you said it was empty, figured you wanted it full again. :P 15:25:26 <flo> not sure what will happen when I'll file the 20+ "bug to file" items I have in my todo list :) 15:29:24 <clokep> Then you'll give new contributors lots to do! :) 15:34:46 <-- Even1 has quit (Connection reset by peer) 15:35:08 --> Even has joined #instantbird 15:35:08 * ChanServ sets mode +o Even 15:38:37 <-- skeledrew has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.2) 15:43:14 <-- chrisccoulson has quit (Connection reset by peer) 15:44:26 --> chrisccoulson has joined #instantbird 15:44:33 --> skeledrew has joined #instantbird 16:03:59 --> kaie has joined #instantbird 16:08:58 <Mic> clokep: are components automatically processed by the preprocessor? 16:09:23 <clokep> Mic: I don't really know. Might have to add it to the makefile? 16:09:29 * clokep doesn't know how preprocessor stuff works. 16:09:41 <flo> Mic: thanks! clokep: r- :-P 16:10:30 * clokep meant to check that.... 16:10:53 <flo> oh well, I have a doubt now :( 16:11:12 <flo> I know preprocessed js modules need to be listed in a different variable in the makefile 16:11:14 <clokep> Ah, I need to add it to the EXTRA_PP_JS_MODULES I'd guess? 16:11:34 <flo> ah, EXTRA_PP_COMPONENTS ! 16:11:55 <clokep> Ah. :) 16:12:07 <Mic> Learning never stops :) 16:12:09 <clokep> I have to run to an exam. I can add that later if you want or if you want to put the one line in, feel free. 16:12:43 <Mic> Good luck 16:12:44 <flo> ok, will depend on my procrastination pattern in the evening ;) 16:12:51 <clokep> Thanks. 16:12:54 * clokep is now known as clokep_away 16:17:38 <-- clokep_away has quit (Ping timeout) 16:19:08 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 16:24:32 <-- hicham has quit (Client exited) 16:34:18 --> kaie2 has joined #instantbird 16:36:25 <-- kaie has quit (Ping timeout) 16:36:25 * kaie2 is now known as kaie 16:52:59 --> Andrey has joined #instantbird 17:07:42 --> micahg has joined #instantbird 17:10:38 <-- Even has quit (Connection reset by peer) 17:11:22 --> Even has joined #instantbird 17:11:22 * ChanServ sets mode +o Even 17:15:02 <-- Even has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 17:21:06 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 17:21:06 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 17:55:35 <flo> hmm, what's "get contractID() "" + this.normalizedName + ";1"," in the ChatBuddy prototype :( 18:23:52 --> sonny has joined #instantbird 18:31:17 <-- Andrey has quit (Quit: ) 18:49:25 <flo> clokep: your patch looks good with these additional changes: 18:56:42 <tymerkaev> flo: which version of bugzilla you're using? 18:58:07 <flo> tymerkaev: 3.4.4 19:03:21 <flo> interdiff looks broken on our current bugzilla installation :( 19:04:17 <instantbot> added attachment 429 to bug 519. 19:04:18 <instantbot> cancelled review?(florian@instantbird .org) for attachment 427 on bug 519. 19:04:19 <instantbot> granted review for attachment 429 on bug 519. 19:04:21 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, NEW, Extend jsProtoHelper to implement purpleIConvChat 19:05:16 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 19:05:16 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 19:08:48 <tymerkaev> flo: maybe it's time to fix bug 1? 19:08:51 <instantbot> Bug nor, P5, ---, idechix, NEW, Make look like other instantbird websites 19:09:33 <flo> I certainly won't be the one fixing it 19:10:11 <tymerkaev> I can take it, if I know what I should do. 19:13:05 <instantbot> granted review for attachment 428 on bug 473. 19:13:08 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, JS Logger line breaks don't play well on Windows 19:13:46 <clokep> flo: Those changes look good. I have no idea how that contractID came in....but I'm sure it was a C&P thing. 19:14:09 <flo> I've got to go and don't have time to close those 2 bugs for which I r+'ed and pushed the patches. 19:14:12 <flo> good evening 19:14:20 <Mic> That's a nice bug compared to Ubuntu's #1, which is "Microsoft has a majority market share". (Note: it's not "be awesome" or "Make a good OS" or something like that. In its own way it is a pretty Microsoft-ish goal;) 19:14:44 <instantbot> Check-in: - Patrick Cloke - Bug 473 - JS Logger line breaks don't play well on Windows, r=fqueze. 19:14:45 <instantbot> Check-in: - Patrick Cloke - Bug 519 - Extend jsProtoHelper to implement purpleIConvChat, r=fqueze. 19:14:52 <-- flo has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 19:15:01 <Mic> Good work, clokep :) 19:15:32 <clokep> Mic: Now we have two of those bugs in that big dependency graph done. ;) 19:18:07 <Mic> Are you closing them? 19:18:33 <clokep> Figured flo was going to when he put the changeset #s in. 19:19:04 <Mic> No, "20:14:11 - flo: I've got to go and don't have time to close those 2 bugs for which I r+'ed and pushed the patches." 19:19:32 <clokep> Oh, OK. I'll do it. 19:21:53 <instantbot> set the Resolution field on bug 473 to FIXED. 19:21:56 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, 0.3a1, clokep, RESO FIXED, JS Logger line breaks don't play well on Windows 19:24:54 <The_Tick> flI'm around 19:24:56 <The_Tick> bla 19:25:53 <clokep> flo Just left a few minutes ago. :( 19:26:04 <clokep> He's in France. So timezones can be tough. 19:28:49 <instantbot> set the Resolution field on bug 519 to FIXED. 19:28:52 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, RESO FIXED, Extend jsProtoHelper to implement purpleIConvChat 19:29:35 <The_Tick> clokep: I work australian time, lol 19:29:42 <The_Tick> not likely to intersect soon 19:29:59 <clokep> He's usually back at night, but I think he said he's busy this weekend. 19:31:50 --> hicham has joined #instantbird 19:35:32 <Mic> Yes, a first grey bubble on this dependency tree :) 19:35:47 <Mic> (except for this old unrelated thing) 19:35:54 <The_Tick> grey bubble? 19:36:23 <Mic> ;) 19:41:11 <clokep> bug 495 should be done soon too. 19:41:15 <instantbot> Bug nor, --, ---, clokep, ASSI, purpleIAccount cannot access preferences via JavaScript protocol 19:52:42 <Mic> Have you decided how to do it already? 19:53:47 <clokep> I like the way flo did it. 19:53:52 <clokep> Gotta start my code from scratch. 19:55:06 <Mic> The options object looks precise and simple 19:55:56 <Mic> The first, not the second one 20:03:00 * tymerkaev is now known as tymerkaev_away 20:03:32 <clokep> Sorry, which way do you mean Mic? 20:03:34 <clokep> My way or flo's way? 20:04:04 <Mic> flo's, his first suggestion thtat is using an object, not the second with the array 20:04:29 * tymerkaev_away is now known as tymerkaev 20:09:14 <clokep> Ohhh, yes. I agree. :) 20:09:21 <clokep> I didn't even consider the other one. 20:09:37 <-- tymerkaev has quit (Ping timeout) 20:29:33 <-- hicham has quit (Ping timeout) 20:31:14 <-- clokep has quit (Ping timeout) 20:38:45 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 20:38:45 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 20:41:58 --> hicham has joined #instantbird 20:56:34 <-- Mic has quit (Quit: Instantbird 0.3a1pre) 21:17:33 * zz_auscompgeek is now known as auscompgeek 21:46:20 <-- sonny has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86-rdmsoft [XULRunner]) 21:49:07 <-- auscompgeek has quit (Ping timeout) 21:50:03 <-- kaie has quit (Ping timeout) 22:06:35 --> kaie has joined #instantbird 22:07:18 --> zz_auscompgeek has joined #instantbird 22:12:19 * zz_auscompgeek is now known as auscompgeek 22:27:45 <-- Seji has quit (Ping timeout) 22:39:21 --> Mic has joined #instantbird 22:39:21 * ChanServ sets mode +h Mic 22:41:38 --> Seji has joined #instantbird 22:41:52 <Mic> The log has over 700 lines for the last day/24h 22:44:18 <clokep> Yeah, it's a lotto follow. 22:51:46 <-- Tonnes has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]) 22:58:10 <-- hicham has quit (Client exited) 23:00:20 <Mic> There'll be a day when it's just no longer possible to follow everything because so much is going on. 23:00:25 <Mic> Let's try to get there ;) 23:00:30 <clokep> Yes. :) 23:00:46 <clokep> If I have time after finishing this lab report I'm going to do a mock up of the "new tab screen". 23:00:56 * auscompgeek is now known as zz_auscompgeek 23:01:53 <Mic> What's this? 23:03:33 <Mic> Ah! Nevermind 23:04:17 <Mic> I read /new/ "tab screen" instead of "new tab screen" 23:06:30 <clokep> Ah, Sorry. 23:06:51 <clokep> I thought about looking for the bug #, but then got lazy. :) 23:08:22 <Mic> It's ok 23:18:51 --> hicham has joined #instantbird 23:25:43 <-- clokep has quit (Connection reset by peer) 23:29:21 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 23:29:21 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 23:31:04 <-- clokep has quit (Connection reset by peer) 23:31:11 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 23:31:11 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 23:31:26 <-- clokep has quit (Connection reset by peer) 23:31:52 --> clokep has joined #instantbird 23:31:52 * ChanServ sets mode +h clokep 23:32:08 * clokep hsa been crashing a lot. 23:35:41 * zz_auscompgeek is now known as auscompgeek